

Team A

Laila Ettefagh

  • Chemical Engineering

Max Hanich

  • Aerospace Engineering

Justin Mandic

  • Civil Engineering

David Tabachnik

  • Mechanical Engineering

Engineering 1182

The Ohio State University

Columbus, OH


The Mission

After over a decade, Jurassic Park has decided to re-open its doors. In an effort to adapt to more modern technology, the park is in need of a monorail network system to transport visitors into and out of the park. They are looking to do this by means of a green, energy efficient, and cost effective system, known as an Advanced Energy Vehicle (AEV) because of the park’s lack of power. This vehicle is to be unmanned and  must accomplish a given set of tasks to ensure its safety and capabilities. In order to showcase the design to the park owners for selection, each team is to build a small scaled model AEV that meets all expectations. While focusing on energy management, operational efficiency, and operation consistency, the AEV must be able to successfully be able to pick up and deliver cargo while meeting operational/design constraints.