Lab 7 Excutive Summary

Date: 5 March 2017

Time: 1500-1900 (google docs)

Members Present: Pedro Rodas, Jamie Wolmering, Hairul Idrus, Jingong Huang

Topics Discussed: Lab 7 Executive summary/Lab 8 PT1

Objective: Finish Lab 7 Executive summary and finalize AEV design for Lab 8 PT1

To do/Action items:

-Do the lab 7 Executive summary

-Finalize AEV design for Lab 8 PT1

-Applications about Solidworks 8


Team decided to meet next time to finalize the AEV design before Lab 8 PT1.


Teamwork has had high efficiency since groupmates did well during the lab time and learned well during Monday’s lecture. Communication between group members has been efficient because of Google doc and the Chat window in Google Doc.