Date: 15 February 2017
Time: 3:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. (Engr. Lab 324, Google Docs)
Members Present: Pedro Rodas, Jamie Wolmering, Jingong Huang, Hairul Idrus
Topics Discussed: Lab 6 Progress Report/Discussion
Objective: Complete Lab 6 Progress Report
To do/Action items:
– lab 5 review
– lab 6 planning
– Project Portfolio
– Discussion/PDR preparation
Team decided to meet next time to finish updating the project portfolio and improve the AEV’s main body. Teammates will proofread the lab progress report at home.
Teamwork has had high efficiency since groupmates read through the requirements of lab progress report and lab 6 material in lab manual the week prior to that lab. Communication between group members has been efficient because of Google doc and WhatsApp.