This lab used the code and design chosen in the two previous performance tests and was all about making them work together to their full potential. Before lab 10 began the team received the 3D printed servo arm that was designed to work with the servo motor. Once this had been obtained, the team could finally change the reverse functions in the code to servo motor functions. This not only made the AEV run more precisely but also saved a ton of energy. Once the servo arm was attached and ready to be tested, the rest of the code was completed so that the AEV would pick up the cargo and return to the starting position as stated in the MCR.
The team learned that using the servo arm to stop the AEV at the gate on the way there and on the way back was much more efficient than using the reverse function. Not only was it more energy efficient but it was also more precise as it stopped exactly at the amount of marks that was put into the code.
Future labs will be doing the final testing of the AEV project and completing the MCR.