Lab 3-Week 4

The lab for this week consisted of design creation. The goal of this lab was for team G to begin brain storming design ideas for the AEV build. For the first session of brain storming each team member made their own preliminary design that was both creative and suited to complete the mission task. After each member had a complete or semi-complete design the team came together to create a team design. The goal of the team design was to join the best aspects of the individual member designs. The brainstorming of the AEV design is a crucial step in moving forward in picking a final design. Actual testing and analysis of the designs will still need to be performed to ensure the design is feasible.

Result and Analysis


The main goal of each design is to reduce the weight of the AEV and to increase stability. The smaller the weight used for the AEV, the smaller the friction against the rail. This will prevent the AEV from slowing down. The more stable design used, the higher chance for the AEV to remain on track while moving regardless its direction. After analyzing each sketches made by every team members, the team decided decided upon using Antonia’s design since her design seem to be aerodynamically suitable as well as a minimalist approach to reduce unnecessary weight enable AEV to achieve higher energy efficiency. 

The team came away with some important takeaways from this weeks lab.

  1. AEV Design – The additional servo motor can be used to brake the AEV quickly.
  2. AEV Design – Weight and stability are the main problems the AEV design will need to address.
  3. AEV Design – A wider design provides extra stability.