Lab 07: Design Analysis Tool

Jason Zheng, Joey Mintz, Suzanne Yam, Leobeliz Perdomo Blanco   Design Analysis Tool

Group L-Instr. Professor Jayne Kim, GTA Anusha Mannava               March 13th, 2016

Executive Summary

The objective of the Design Analysis Tool lab was for the team to familiarize themselves with the MATLAB-based design analysis tool that will be useful in the remaining AEV design objectives. This design tool is very helpful in the AEV design process, allowing the team to directly compare the performances of different designs with solid data rather than by simply observing. In pursuit of this, the team was tasked to import wind tunnel data, EEPROM data from the Arduino, and use that data in the analysis tool to create graphs and analyze the data in a clear way.

MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) is used in this lab. It has several uses such as download Arduino data, performing performance analysis calculations, plotting results. Students are given the chance to learn how to use the analysis tool which can be used to analyze the performance of their AEV. This analysis tool was able to download data from Arduino motor controller by connecting with the Arduino motor controller after AEV test run.

The Design Analysis Tool is a very important for everyone in the team to become familiar with because it is the tool that the team will use to analyze the data from the AEV test runs. This lab challenged the team to figure out other ways to assign tasks to every team member since the lab only consisted in learning how to use the Design Analysis Tool, our group recommended that the other team members should be given something on the side to work on because this lab does not require all four team members. This way the team could get more done in one lab period as well as be more prepared for our next lab.


Figure 1: Energy Analysis vs. Time

This graph incorporates 4 phases, Phases 1-4. Phase 1 and 2 represent the motorSpeed and goFor command. Phase 3 represents the reverse and motorSpeed commands, while phase 4 represents the brake command.

Figure 2: Energy Analysis vs. Distance

This graph incorporates 4 phases, Phases 1-4. Phase 1 and 2 represent the motorSpeed and goFor command just like figure 1 except phase 1 is shorter here and phase 2 is longer here. Phase 3 represents the reverse and motorSpeed commands, while phase 4 represents the brake command. For this one, phase 4 is much smaller than that of figure 1.

Individual Portion

Jason Zheng

For this AEV project, our group designated each member with certain responsibilities. Mine responsibilities include outlining the executive summary each week, break it into individual parts for each member, manage and update the team website, keep track of the team minutes, and assist in the building of the AEV. Although these roles are assigned to me, anything during the course of this AEV project another member could also perform these tasks and simultaneously I could also do work beyond these assigned tasks.

Leobeliz Perdomo Blanco

For this AEV Project each team member was assigned a role so that the group could practice teamwork and get everything done when they are suppose to be done. I would consider my role in the team to be the AEV builder, the main executive summary writer, and the helper when it comes to coding. The tasks that I am responsible for are building the AEV when we get to the lab, making sure that the executive summary is done and looking over it for grammar and/or spelling mistakes, and helping with anything that has to do with writing the code for the AEV.

Joey Mintz

Before this lab, the team delegated tasks to specific members in order to plan out the completion of the AEV efficiently. Although I was unable to attend this lab due to being sick, much of my work that was done beforehand was used in the lab, and I made sure to understand and practice what was done at a later date. I was put in charge of  all tasks involving the computer, including coding, uploading the code to the arduino, and ensuring all technical problems are fixed with the code and arduino, with some assistance from other group members. Along with this, I also am tasked with assisting in writing Executive Summaries. This is consistent with how responsibility was divided throughout the course of the AEV project so far, so it only makes sense to continue as we have been.

Suzanne Yam

For this AEV project, I will considered my role in my team as an assistant in writing executive summary and design process. I am assigned to assist in writing executive summary for every week after the lab. Besides, I also assist in the building process of our AEV design. During every test run of our AEV, I am responsible to record down the videos of our running AEV which is on the track.