Team Meeting Notes: Lab 10 4/1/17

Team Meeting Notes

Group A

Jared Weist, Heyi Chen, Brandon Cruz, Alex Mohney

Lab 10

Meeting 1:

Date: 4/1/17

Time: 8:00-9:30pm

Members Present: Alex, Heyi, Jared, Brandon

Objective of Meeting:

Work on and finish progress Report. Decide on potential code methods and approaches in order to increase energy efficiency.  

Previous Meeting:

Finish PDR and discuss any changes to code or frame of the final AEV design. Come up with final design and major design change.

Upcoming Meeting “Homework”:

Come up with potential codes to run the AEV  that will run the final intended scenario.

Timeline/Gantt Chart:

None for this week


Team voted on major design change in keeping the two motor design in order to save energy in the long run due to optimal side of propellers.

Previous Assignment:

The previous lab called for the team to decide on two potential designs and being tested with the same code to look for difference in energy.

How things can be improved for next time:

  • Earlier start time for the weekly assignments
  • More streamlined way of decision-making for design choices
  • Do not get caught up on smaller details, just results

Team Meeting Result:

Everything was completed on time and was clearly communicated between all members. Good progress towards final design step of AEV.

Team Meeting Notes: Lab 8 3/5/17

Team Meeting Notes

Group A

Jared Weist, Heyi Chen, Brandon Cruz, Alex Mohney

Lab 8


Meeting #1:

Date: 3/8/17 (Think Tank in Torres House)

Time: 4:30 pm

Members Present: Jared Weist, Heyi Chen, Brandon Cruz, Alex Mohney

Objective of Meeting:

Finish Progress Reports for lab 8, study for the lab proficiency quiz, finish any assignments assigned to each member, and choose a final frame design

Previous Meeting:

Make choices for design, finish the progress report for lab 6

Upcoming Meeting “Homework”:

  • Finish PR_8 – All members
  • Study for quiz- All members
  • Finalize frame design-All members

Timeline / Gantt Chart:

  • None this week


  • All decisions were made by the group consensus.

Previous Assignment:

  • The previous assignment consisted of the group finalizing the presentation needed for lab 7

How can things be improved for the next time:

  • The group has seen improvement in work ethic, but could still show more, namely within the group setting
  • Team Meeting Result: The team finished the progress report and ended up coming to a conclusion on the frame design.

Team Meeting Notes: Lab 6 2/22/17

Team Meeting Notes

Group A

Jared Weist, Heyi Chen, Brandon Cruz, Alex Mohney

Lab 6

Meeting 1:

Date: 2/22/17

Time: 4:00-6:00pm

Members Present: Alex, Heyi, Jared, Brandon

Objective of Meeting:

Finish Concept Screening and Scoring rubrics and finish PDR worksheet. Work on Online Project Portfolio, and start on the Progress Report for lab 6.

Previous Meeting:

Finish PR for lab 5 and discuss goals/tasks for next week’s lab or any other work that needs done.

Upcoming Meeting “Homework”:

Finish Project Portfolio, Upload any videos of the AEV testing in lab, work on questions  for the Progress Report

Timeline/Gantt Chart:

None for this week


Jared and Heyi decided on what the group will focus on testing for the next lab (testing the difference between 1 and 2 propellers in multiple scenarios)

Previous Assignment:

The previous lab assisted the team in figuring out how to go forward with the current list of designs that have been tested, such as areas of improvement for each and what the strengths of each design include.

How things can be improved for next time:

  • Less uneven work share between members, which has been discussed
  • More productive use of time when as a group

Team Meeting Result:

Everything was completed on time and was clearly communicated between all members.

Team Meeting Notes: Lab 5 2/14/17

Team Meeting Notes

Group A

Jared Weist, Heyi Chen, Brandon Cruz, Alex Mohney

Lab 5


Meeting #5:

Date: 2/16/17 (Think Tank in Torres House)

Time: 4:00 pm

Members Present: Jared Weist, Heyi Chen, Brandon Cruz, Alex Mohney


Objective of Meeting:

Finish Progress Reports for lab 5, assign roles for the reports, remind group members about upcoming assignments for the class, settle on a new test mule AEV design

Previous Meeting:

  • Conclude previous meeting’s progress report as well as integrate a team final design to test during lab.

Upcoming Meeting “Homework”:

  • Work on the Sketchbook video (bonus), further decide and plan the final design of AEV, buy new pair of bought propellers (1 to 2 pairs), fully read Lab manual for next week to become more familiar

Timeline / Gantt Chart:

  • None


  • The team settled on testing a prototype that consists of a single motor and a single propeller.

Previous Assignment:

  • Lab 4 progress report, each group member turned in their own design, and the test mule AEV was rebuilt.

How can things be improved for the next time:

  • Message team chat when arriving to meeting as signal that members have arrived.

Team Meeting Result: Lab progress report was finished, group was alerted of the project portfolio completion, scoring matrix, various other information.