Lab 1 – Arduino Programming Basics

In this lab, the group started by setting up the Arduino Nano microcontroller and the motors (seen below). This gave the group experience in using the Arduino with the motors which will both be heavily used throughout the design process of the AEV. After these components were set up, the team wrote code that was described in the Lab Manual to run the motors at specific speeds for set amounts of time and brake them when needed. The group named the code the Star Wars code due to the pitches of the motors at each speed. The link to this code can be found below. This lab gave the group experience in working with the motors and the functions used to program the Arduino to complete needed tasks. Along with experience in these areas, the lab also allowed the team to realize potential issues with the motors including time it takes for them to speed up and time it takes for them to come to a stop.

Arduino Nano microcontroller

Two AEV motors


Week 2 Schedule


Click here for the Arduino Code used in the lab