A Couple of Wookies

Welcome to our webpage!

A Couple of Wookies are a group of upcoming engineers who strive to create the most innovative, efficient, attractive and creative Alternative Energy vehicle in the entire galaxy! Our members include; Hunter Bernhardt(Left), Brooke Crawford(mid-left), Curtis Isaacson(right), and Narissa Urciuoli(mid-right). Each member of the team brings important skills to the table. Hunter is a Computer Science Engineering major who enjoys working on projects and learning programming languages. With his knowledge of Arduino technology and coding techniques, his input has helped the teams AEV develop to a whole new level! Brooke is an Industrial and Systems Engineering major who enjoys problem solving and having fun. With her creative thinking and desire to make the mission as efficient as possible, she has really stepped up in making the AEV unique and high-functioning. Curtis is also a Computer Science Engineering major who enjoys developing code and working on projects. With his knowledge of computer software and abstract thinking, he has really helped the team progress in their coding process, as well as come up with original parts to incorporate into the AEV to make it more unique. Last but not least, Narissa is a Biomedical Engineering major who enjoys designing and developing new ideas. With her high levels of creativity and organization skills, she has not only helped make the AEV as creative as possible, but has also been the team’s rock as far as keeping them organized and ready for the weeks ahead. Each member of this team is a key to success and we hope this page inspires you to complete a mission of your own!

If you wish to contact any members of the team, please see the contacts tab above.