Lab 4

Group C – Teressa Pell, Madeline Shaffer, Joe Spinazze, Danny Tomaszewski        Progress Report Lab 4


Instructor: Dr. Kecskemety, GTA: Isabel Fernandez                                                                         2/17/2017

Lab 4



In lab 4a, the group downloaded the data from the AEV onto the computer. The group sent the AEV around the track, and found the correct number of marks (the distance) the AEV travelled. The group converted the EEPROM Arduino data into physical parameters. The group also imported these values into MATLAB, then graphed. The group looked at the performance data and analyze the physical parameters. By the end of this lab, the group should be able to program the AEV to accelerate, then reverse motors to stop at the sensor, before the gate. The group learned the function (aevDataRecorder) and used it to download the code from AEV into MATLAB


In lab 04b, the group familiarized itself with the MATLAB base design analysis tool. The group was able to upload wind tunnel data, upload Arduino data, conduct performance analysis of the AEV, and to export these graphs for the reports. In the lab, the group download the AEV design analysis tool, and installed it on the computers. The group then download the data received, and saved the EEPROM data into a MATLAB file.  The group used MATLAB tools to analyze the performance data from the AEV. The data helped to inform the group about position of the track and the physical parameters.  


Results and Analysis:


Part A of this lab required a run of the AEV in which it started at the starting point and stopped at the sensor before the gate. Data from this run was then downloaded from the AEV onto matlab and analyzed by the team. With the proper conversions, Figure 3 in appendix section A of the data could be constructed  manually showing time vs. the supplied power in watts. The MATLAB code required to convert the data and construct these graphs can also be found in the appendix section A. From Figure 3, Figure 1 below could be constructed pointing out the phases of the run. Each phase in the diagram represents the progression of the commands in the code for movement of the AEV. The first phase in the diagram in the first 0.12 seconds of the run shows the power required to put the AEV into motion which is about 12 watts and expended about 0.93720 J of energy. The next phase of the data which the AEV rode at a constant speed across the track for the next 19.32 seconds required about 9 watts of power about about 14,072 J of energy over the large time span. The third phase of the graph which shows the next spike in energy on figure 3 occurs when the motors are instructed to move in reverse to prepare for the stop in front of the gate. Over the 0.14 seconds, the power spiked up about 10 watts and 469.87 J of energy was expended. Phases 4 and 5 over the next 4.50 seconds that began to stop the AEV dropped the power output back to 0 watts and required about another 3000 J of energy. The data from these five phases can be organized into data table 1 located in appendix A.

Figure 1: Phase Graph of Time vs. Supplied Power to the AEV


Part B of this lab required the graphing of different relationships in order to become more familiar with this analysis tool of MATLAB. Figure 4 in appendix section A shows the graph made from part A of the lab, except all of the values were converted and graphed automatically using the application in MATLAB. Other relationships were explored such as distance and the power shown in figure 2 on the following page. By observing this graph, it can be concluded that the distance vs. power and the time vs. power graphs parallel each other very well in that changes in the code dictate the expenditure of power over time and at certain distances.


These plots will help the team’s coding strategy when trying to predict how much power and energy is being spent with each command of the code such as moving forward or breaking the AEV to a stop. Comparing this data with the data collected from the redesigned AEV will give a good idea on how much power and energy is being wasted due to design issues. The responsibilities required to complete the AEV project will require equal amounts of effort from all group members. Currently, Joe is working on creating attachments for the AEV on solid works that will need 3D printed and Maddie ordered new propellers to try on the AEV. The team schedule can be found in appendix section B.


Figure 2: Distance (m) vs. Power (watts)




One important takeaway was understanding that the program may run differently on the AEV from week to week. The program that landed the AEV directly in front of the first sensor during the last lab stopped the AEV short of the sensor this lab. Tests should be done as close to the final date as possible to avoid this error. A second takeaway came from learning how to utilize matlab apps to lessen the workload. The MATLAB analysis tool application converted the data from EEPROM data to physical parameters swiftly, saving time to focus on other parts of data analysis. With the data converted, the calculations become simpler to navigate.


The two largest expenditures of power came from the initial start of the AEV and when the reverse command initiated. The AEV ran at an average of 9 watts until the motors reversed, when the power output spiked to 18 watts. Due to excess power outage, the reverse command should be used sparingly in future code to create an efficient vehicle. This data will become important in comparison to the newly designed AEV and the design’s effects on power and energy expenditure.


Lab 5  



This week in lab 5, the group will become familiar with techniques for design decision making. They will also become familiar with a structured method to screen and score design concepts. In the beginning of the lab, the AEV should be assembled and built according to the previously decided concept drawings.  They will not include external sensors (the wheel count sensor). The group will program the sample (reference) AEV for a specific operation and test on classroom track. They will test it on the straight track. Lastly, the group will perform concept screening and scoring methods with AEV design concepts using the sample AEV as a baseline reference.

Weekly Goals:

  1. Create AEV part in SolidWorks
  2. Build AEV to fit drawing from lab 4
  3. Concept screening of design
  4. Concept scoring of design
  5. Create Program and run AEV on Straight Track


Weekly Schedule

Task Teammates Start Date Due Date Time Needed
Team Meeting All 2/21/2017 2/21/2017 30 min
Second Team Meeting All 2/23/2017 2/23/2017 2 hrs
Concept Screening and Scoring All 2/17/2017 2/24/2017 45 min
Create Program for Straight Track All 2/17/2017 2/24/2017 25 min
Redesign AEV All 2/17/2017 2/17/2017 10 min
Lab 5-6 Progress Report All 2/21/2017 2/24/2017 3 hrs


Appendix A




// 1. Run all motors at a constant speed of 25% power for 2 seconds.




// 2. Run all motors at a constant speed of 20% and using the goToAbsolutePosition function travel a total distance of 16 feet (from the starting point).



// 3. Reverse motors.


// 4. Run all motors at a constant speed of 30% power for 1.5 second.



// 5. Brake all motors.




Figure 3: Time (s) vs. Supplied Power (watts) made manually


Figure 4: Time(s) vs. Power(watts) from MATLAB


Table 1: Table for Phase Breakdown

Phase Arduino Code Time (seconds) Total Energy (J)
1 reverse(4) 0.12 .93720
2 motorSpeed(4,50);




19.32 14,072
3 reverse(4) 0.14 469.87
4 motorSpeed(4,65);


1.50 2799.2
5 brake(4); 3.00 sec 163.37
Total Energy Used: 17,505.38


MatLab Calculations for Figure 3:


Sample Calculations:


Question 2


My responsibilities for the team to help us reach our end goal include being as flexible as I can on meeting times in order to work on our AEV. I will offer any help that is required to make our new body on SolidWorks as well as 3D printing it. I will help rebuild the new body of the AEV and participate in lab every day to test it to see how this new body will work on the track. My responsibility will be to work with MATLAB to see how the AEV spends energy and power and how we can improve upon the numbers.


Joe Spinazze

Using phase 2


  1. My responsibility in the group focuses on technology. I often troubleshoot and solve problems in MATLAB and solidworks. I also focus on the building of the AEV. I have less of a focus on the writing portions, and more of a behind the scenes approach. My responsibility is also finding answers to questions my groupmates often ask.


My responsibilities to the group and to the completion of the AEV mission will be to work with the Arduino code and logistics of getting the AEV to each checkpoint along its run successfully. I have coding experience and believe I could be valuable when it comes to programming. I will put in the work to figure out the correct distances to run and brake the motors, when to use the reverse function, and what speeds work best to correctly place the AEV in specific positions such as before the gate and at the R2D2. I’m also ready to help in any way possible for my groupmates or for the project as a whole.


Appendix B  


Date: 2/14/17

Time: 9:30 pm

Members Present: Teressa Pell, Madeline Shaffer, Joe Spinazze

Topics Discussed: Jobs and Make-up Lab


During this meeting the group discussed what parts of the progress report will be assigned to who and our plans for meeting tomorrow to collect the data in the makeup lab.

Tasks Completed:

  • Each group member took responsibility for a part of the progress report
  • Each member agreed to go to the makeup lab at 8 pm on Wednesday

Tasks To Do:

  • Go to the makeup lab to collect the data and download it onto matlab
  • Meet to finish the progress report on Thursday
  • Devise a plan for next lab


  1. 2/14/17 – Meeting at 9:30 pm
  2. 2/15/17 – Makeup lab at 8 pm
  3. 2/16/17 – Meeting to finish progress report 4-6 pm
  4. 2/17/17 – Lab 5


We decided Teressa is going to do Appendix B, analyze the results, and turn in the document. Danny and Maddie are going to work on the data and graphs made in matlab. Danny is going to do the takeaways and Maddie is going to do the weekly goals and weekly schedule as well. Joe is going to do forwards and backwards looking situations.


Meeting times should be crucially set and attended by all members.


Date: 2/16/17

Time: 4:00 pm

Members Present: Teressa Pell, Madeline Shaffer, Joe Spinazze, Danny Tomaszewski

Topics Discussed: Progress Report


The objective of this meeting is to finish graphing the data and finish the progress report.

Tasks Completed:

  • Data was collected
  • Progress Report mostly finished and will be in at the end of the day

Tasks To Do:

  • Prepare for lab tomorrow
  • Update project portfolio


  1. 2/16/17 – Meeting to finish progress report 4-6 pm
  2. 2/17/17 – Lab 5


The progress will be turned in when the results are finished and everyone puts in their individual calculations.


The group has been doing better with turning assignments in on time and doing their parts on assignments.

Team Schedule:

Tasks that need Completed Team Members Responsible
New body designed on SolidWorks Joe
Propellers order online Maddie
Rebuilding the AEV with new aspects All
Testing the effects of these aspects on the efficiency of the AEV All
Responsibility for data collection on MATLAB Teressa
Writing new code to account for changes Danny