Lab 2

Group C – Teressa Pell, Madeline Shaffer, Joe Spinazze, Danny Tomaszewski        Progress Report Lab 2


Instructor: Dr. Kecskemety, GTA: Isabel Fernandez                                                                         2/6/2017

Lab 2




This week the group met to familiarize themselves with the external sensor hardware components. They also became familiar with troubleshooting techniques. The group also used program function calls for using external sensors with AEV control. By the end of lab 2a, the group understood the use of the reflectance sensors and installed it onto the AEV. They learned the usage and syntax surrounding the Arduino command of reflectanceSensorTest, goToRelativePosition, and goToAbsolutePosition. The lab gave the group two scenarios which utilized the newly learned commands to turn the AEV motors. The team successfully ran the program to have the AEV “run” around the outside of the track.While some of the team was working on lab 2a, one member of the team was called to the front of the class to observe  the TA operating the wind tunnel.  The voltage of the wind tunnel was  set to 7.4V. 10% power was administered to the propeller in the wind tunnel. The voltage was slowly increased, and the RPM’s and the voltage was recorded. The force of the wind was measured using the scale. By analyzing the data from this experiment, the group was able to find the proper method and setup for the AEV propellers.


Results and Analysis:


To successfully complete the lab, there were several activities to first perform. Before coming to the lab, the AEV was assembled so it could run on the track. The arm needed to be reversed to not hit the rungs on the track, but besides that testing ran smoothly. While testing the motion sensors at the table, they were originally installed wrong and only gave a forward motion reading. After flipping a sensor right-side up, the readings from the serial monitor tracked the position correctly.


The code was written using functions motorSpeed, reverse,  and also goToRelativePosition and goToAbsolutePosition. Implementing goToRelativePosition would send the AEV a specified distance from its current position, while goToAbsolutePosition would send the AEV to a distance measured from where the program began. In order to execute a pusher system, which was chosen due to its benefits from the wind tunnel data, the code was written to send the AEV in a negative direction. This route was chosen instead of switching the forward and reverse sensors on the AEV due to a lack of time remaining in the lab. Also, the power outputs were doubled for all commands to combat static friction and start to move the vehicle. The AEV then performed correctly on the track, stopping at the gate and reversing to where the ladder was placed for pickup. The AEV successfully ran the code written from the commands in the procedure. The vehicle approached the gate, reversed motors and travelled backwards slightly to where the ladder was placed for pickup. The TA advising the outer track let us know that our vehicle performed exceptionally, landing where it should have at the end of the run.


The data showed that for the same arduino power setting, the pusher method provided a larger current and thrust reading. From a 0% to a 60% arduino power setting for the puller system, the range of the current ranged from 0.06 to 0.72 amps and the range of the thrust scale reading ranged from 151.6 grams to 166 grams. From the same range, the pusher system outputted higher results, with a current that ranged from 0.08 to 1.18 amps and a thrust scale reading that ranged from 160.4 grams to 216.4 grams. Due to these results we went with the pusher system to be energy efficient.


The knowledge absorbed in this lab is a solid foundation for the challenge lying ahead. In order to pick up R2D2 and bring him back, energy will be taken into account with deciding when to push and when to pull the AEV. Since the brake function only stops the motors and not the vehicle, the reverse function may be needed in order to stop the vehicle before it reaches the R2D2 cart to attach to the magnet. Specific values for the goToRelativeFunction and goToAbsolutePosition functions will be necessary to make it through the gate and to the R2D2 without crashing into either object.



The relationship between the Arduino Power setting and the Thrust Scale reading was observed to be a positive correlation. As the instructor increased the percent power, the thrust scale reading also increased. The largest thrust scale reading was from the 3030 puller, at maximum power. As the percent power increased, the thrust also increased. Therefore, to achieve the maximum thrust with the AEV, the Arduino power setting should be at 60% power. The relationship between propulsion efficiency and advance ratio was different for each propeller. According to the data, the most efficient for 2510 puller was the first data point collected and for 2510 pusher it was the last data point collected. The highest efficiency for was also the first data point. However both the 3030 pusher and the 3030 puller had their highest efficiency at a point in the middle of the data collection.

Lab 3



This week the group will be brainstorming ideas to alter the design of the AEV in some way that they like. The design can be either for visual appeal or for improvement of the movement of the AEV.  The group will be creative and first brainstorm by themselves. Each group member will complete a concept sketch in orthographic view. The alteration can either come from the AEV kit or can be 3D printed and attached. They must consider the list of design considerations listed in the Lab Manual when designing their part or alteration. Then the group will come together and decide together what they want the design to be. Together they will create a sketch in the orthographic view that reflects the components in the AEV kit or something that can be built from a 3D printer.


Weekly Goals:

  1. Brainstorm ideas for creative design
  2. Create a concept sketch on orthographic paper
  3. Find better meeting times
  4. Consider restraints when designing an AEV Part
  5. Update Project Portfolio


Weekly Schedule:


Task Teammates Start Date Due Date Time Needed
Brainstorm Designs All 2/3/2017 2/3/2017 1 hr
Sketch Design All 2/3/2017 2/10/2017 2 hrs
Team Meeting All 2/8/2017 2/10/2017 1 hr
Update Portfolio Danny 2/3/2017 2/10/2017 1 hr
Lab 3 Progress Report All 2/7/2017 2/10/2017 4 hrs


Appendix A


Code –


// 1. Run all motors at a constant speed of 25% power for 2 seconds.



// 2. Run all motors at a constant speed of 20% and using the goToAbsolutePosition function travel a total distance of 16 feet (from the starting point).



// 3. Reverse motors.


// 4. Run all motors at a constant speed of 30% power for 1.5 second.



// 5. Brake all motors.



Wind Turbine Data:


Propeller Type EP-2510

Wind tunnel air speed: 3.1 m/s

Propeller Configuration: Pusher

Battery (Power Supply Setting): 7.4 volts


Table 1: Wind Tunnel Testing Data

Current Thrust Scale Reading RPM Arduino Power Setting
Amps Grams RPM %
0.0000 169.55 0.00 0
0.0400 168.50 1047.00 10
0.1200 168.50 1646.00 15
0.2100 168.90 2245.00 20
0.2800 169.50 2784.00 25
0.3700 170.90 3383.00 30
0.4400 171.80 4007.00 35
0.5000 173.40 4640.00 40
0.5500 175.20 5089.00 45
0.5900 177.20 5778.00 50
0.6200 179.70 6377.00 55
0.64 181.30 6900.00 60


Table 2: Wind Tunnel Data Analysis

Thrust Calibration RPM Power Input Power Output Power Output Propulsion Efficiency Advance Ratio
g RPM watts horsepower watts %
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-0.43155 1047 0.0296 -0.00179 -1.35395 -4574.16 2.797645
-0.43155 1646 0.1332 -0.00179 -1.35395 -1016.48 1.779547
-0.26715 2245 0.3108 -0.00111 -0.83816 -269.678 1.304737
-0.02055 2784 0.518 -8.5E-05 -0.06447 -12.4467 1.052131
0.55485 3383 0.8214 0.002307 1.740794 211.9302 0.865839
0.92475 4007 1.1396 0.003844 2.901324 254.5914 0.731004
1.58235 4640 1.48 0.006578 4.964488 335.4384 0.631279
2.32215 5089 1.8315 0.009654 7.285547 397.7913 0.575581
3.14415 5778 2.183 0.013071 9.864502 451.8782 0.506946
4.17165 6377 2.5234 0.017342 13.0882 518.673 0.459328
4.82925 6900 2.8416 0.020076 15.15136 533.1982 0.424512


Propeller Type EP-2510

Wind tunnel air speed: 3.1 m/s

Propeller Configuration: Puller

Battery (Power Supply Setting): 7.4 volts


Table 3: Wind Tunnel Testing Data

Current Thrust Scale Reading RPM Arduino Power Setting
Amps Grams RPM %
0.00 164.50 0.00 0
0.13 165.90 658.00 5
0.20 163.70 2035.00 10
0.28 163.80 3233.00 15
0.37 164.20 4311.00 20
0.45 164.80 5449.00 25
0.53 165.00 6646.00 30
0.60 166.80 7844.00 35
0.67 168.30 9041.00 40
0.73 169.80 10059.00 45
0.79 172.00 11197.00 50


Table 4: Wind Tunnel Data Analysis

Thrust Calibration RPM Power Input Power Output Power Output Propulsion Efficiency Advance Ratio
g RPM watts horsepower watts %
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.5754 658 0.0481 0.002392 1.78374 3708.399 4.451571
-0.3288 2035 0.148 -0.00137 -1.01928 -688.703 1.439378
-0.2877 3233 0.3108 -0.0012 -0.89187 -286.959 0.906011
-0.1233 4311 0.5476 -0.00051 -0.38223 -69.8009 0.679456
0.1233 5449 0.8325 0.000513 0.38223 45.91351 0.537554
0.2055 6646 1.1766 0.000854 0.63705 54.14329 0.440736
0.9453 7844 1.554 0.00393 2.93043 188.5734 0.373423
1.5618 9041 1.9832 0.006493 4.84158 244.1297 0.323983
2.1783 10059 2.4309 0.009056 6.75273 277.7872 0.291195
3.0825 11197 2.923 0.012814 9.55575 326.9158 0.2616


Propeller Type EP-3020

Wind tunnel air speed: 2.9 m/s

Propeller Configuration: Puller

Battery (Power Supply Setting): 7.4 volts

Table 5: Wind Tunnel Testing

Current Thrust Scale Reading RPM Arduino Power Setting
Amps Grams RPM %
0.0000 125.30 0.00 0
0.2800 124.70 1796.00 10
0.3700 126.00 2814.00 15
0.4600 127.70 3832.00 20
0.5500 130.00 4730.00 25
0.6500 133.00 5688.00 30
0.7400 135.20 6526.00 35
0.8300 139.20 7425.00 40
0.9000 143.20 8263.00 45
0.9900 148.00 9041.00 50
1.07 153.00 9760.00 55
1.16 158.00 10538.00 60

Table 6: Wind Tunnel Data Analysis

Thrust Calibration RPM Power Input Power Output Power Output Propulsion Efficiency Advance Ratio
g RPM watts horsepower watts %
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-0.2466 1796.00 0.2072 -0.00096 -0.71514 -345.145 1.191953
0.2877 2814.00 0.4107 0.001119 0.83433 203.1483 0.760749
0.9864 3832.00 0.6808 0.003836 2.86056 420.1763 0.55865
1.9317 4730.00 1.0175 0.007512 5.60193 550.5582 0.452589
3.1647 5688.00 1.443 0.012307 9.17763 636.0104 0.376362
4.0689 6526.00 1.9166 0.015824 11.79981 615.6637 0.328034
5.7129 7425.00 2.4568 0.022217 16.56741 674.3492 0.288316
7.3569 8263.00 2.997 0.028611 21.33501 711.8789 0.259076
9.3297 9041.00 3.663 0.036283 27.05613 738.6331 0.236782
11.3847 9760.00 4.3549 0.044275 33.01563 758.126 0.219339
13.4397 10538.00 5.1504 0.052267 38.97513 756.7399 0.203146


Propeller Type EP-3030

Wind tunnel air speed: 3.1 m/s

Propeller Configuration: Pusher

Battery (Power Supply Setting): 7.4 volts

Table 7: Wind Tunnel Testing


Current Thrust Scale Reading RPM Arduino Power Setting
Amps Grams RPM %
0.0000 181.70 0.00 0
0.1200 181.90 778.00 5
0.1900 180.90 2151.00 10
0.2800 183.70 3053.00 15
0.3700 187.90 3892.00 20
0.4600 191.90 4670.00 25
0.5700 196.30 5449.00 30
0.6700 201.60 6167.00 35
0.7800 207.10 6886.00 40
0.9000 213.20 7485.00 45
1.0000 219.30 8200.00 50


Table 8: Wind Tunnel Data Analysis

Thrust Calibration RPM Power Input Power Output Power Output Propulsion Efficiency Advance Ratio
g RPM watts horsepower watts %
0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0
0.0822 778.00 0.0444 0.000342 0.25482 573.9189 3.137461
-0.3288 2151.00 0.1406 -0.00137 -1.01928 -724.95 1.134795
0.822 3053.00 0.3108 0.003417 2.5482 819.8842 0.799523
2.5482 3892.00 0.5476 0.010593 7.89942 1442.553 0.62717
4.1922 4670.00 0.851 0.017428 12.99582 1527.123 0.522686
6.0006 5449.00 1.2654 0.024946 18.60186 1470.038 0.447962
8.1789 6167.00 1.7353 0.034001 25.35459 1461.107 0.395808
10.4394 6886.00 2.3088 0.043398 32.36214 1401.687 0.354479
12.9465 7485.00 2.997 0.053821 40.13415 1339.144 0.326112
15.4536 8200.00 3.7 0.064243 47.90616 1294.761 0.297676


Propeller Type EP-3030

Wind tunnel air speed: 2.8 m/s

Propeller Configuration: Puller

Battery (Power Supply Setting): 7.4 volts

Table 9: Wind Tunnel Testing

Current Thrust Scale Reading RPM Arduino Power Setting
Amps Grams RPM %
0.80 173.30 0.00 0
0.20 174.00 1976.00 10
0.29 176.40 2994.00 15
0.40 179.80 3892.00 20
0.50 184.30 4730.00 25
0.61 190.50 5568.00 30
0.72 196.00 6287.00 35
0.83 202.70 7065.00 40
0.93 208.50 7724.00 45
1.05 217.20 8383.00 50
1.08 225.00 9040.00 55
1.20 234.50 9760.00 60


Table 10: Wind Tunnel Data Analysis

Thrust Calibration RPM Power Input Power Output Power Output Propulsion Efficiency Advance Ratio
g RPM watts horsepower watts %
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.2877 1976 0.148 0.00108 0.80556 544.2973 1.115751
1.2741 2994 0.3219 0.004784 3.56748 1108.257 0.736381
2.6715 3892 0.592 0.010031 7.4802 1263.547 0.566476
4.521 4730 0.925 0.016976 12.6588 1368.519 0.466115
7.0692 5568 1.3542 0.026544 19.79376 1461.657 0.395963
9.3297 6287 1.8648 0.035032 26.12316 1400.856 0.35068
12.0834 7065 2.4568 0.045371 33.83352 1377.138 0.312063
14.4672 7724 3.0969 0.054322 40.50816 1308.023 0.285438
18.0429 8383 3.885 0.067749 50.52012 1300.389 0.262999
21.2487 9040 4.3956 0.079786 59.49636 1353.544 0.243885
25.1532 9760 5.328 0.094447 70.42896 1321.865 0.225894


Sample Calculations:



Joe Spinazze- Sample Calculations

Appendix B


Date: 1/31/17

Time: 9:00 pm

Members Present: Teressa Pell, Madeline Shaffer, Joe Spinazze, Danny Tomaszewski  

Topics Discussed: Assign jobs


Today’s main focus was on meeting to sort out who in the group is writing which part of the progress report due to our busy schedules.

Tasks Completed:

  • Each person in the group picked a section
  • Expectations for this progress report were sorted out among the group

Tasks To Do:

  • Work on the progress report individually throughout the week
  • Have the progress report finished by friday morning


  1. Monday (Jan. 30th) through Thursday (Feb. 2nd) – progress report worked on throughout the week by the group
  2. Feb. 3rd (morning) – turn in progress report
  3. Feb. 3rd (day) – complete lab 3


  • Joe will do the backwards looking situation
  • Teressa will do appendix B, the takeaways, check grammar, and turn in the document
  • Joe and Danny with work on the results and analysis
  • Maddie will work on the forwards looking situation, goals, and schedule
  • Each member will do their individual calculations


  • Weeks with midterms will require the team to have to work on the progress report on their own time