Our AEV, The Scorpion Fighter, accepted the honor of being chosen to compete in the AEV Showcase. This competition came after running a successful final test to grade the AEV, where the servo addition proved to help tremendously in stopping accuracy. During the showcase, the advanced energy vehicle was reviewed by judges through a video as well as an informative poster explaining the project in its entirety. After this process, the AEV went through one scenario after another, only advancing if the previous scenario was completed correctly. Although the code we prepared for the first scenario failed to work appropriately, the experience was one to never forget. Our highly decorated poster even received a third place prize! A student artist also helped to paint our AEV wings to add to its appeal, which is a category we strongly valued throughout this project.
Overall, this event brought a cumulative and challenging end to a long, rewarding AEV project. While we’ll miss testing our AEV in search for that perfect run, the experience gained will be greatly valued going forward.