The Ohio State University: College of Arts and Sciences

Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you should successfully be able to:

Collaboratively expand on the definitions for “reading,” “writing,” “critical thinking,” “rhetoric,” and “written communication.”

Use the expanded knowledge from these definitions to write about your skillset in a language t.hat is transferable to other contexts (both professional and educational)

Talk about dominant narratives about reading and writing within higher education by referencing class readings and synthesizing them with your own experiences.

Discuss alternative approaches to reading and writing within higher education by referencing class readings and synthesizing them through your own positionality.

Understand the role of “second readings” when reading difficult texts by identifying two or more strategies when approaching dense material.

Identify the way rhetorical moves are deployed within a text by accurately recognizing how, when, and for what purpose they are used.

Describe the rhetorical and affective purpose and impact of writerly moves within texts and how you might be able to use those in your own writing.

Hoped for group outcomes:

Hoped for personal outcomes: