The Ohio State University: College of Arts and Sciences


Welcome to English 4591: What Happens After Undergrad? Unlearning What It Means to Read and Write. This class assumes that some of you are wrapping up your time within academic settings (and moving on to a professional/work environment), while others might be applying for and planning to attend graduate school or other educational opportunities. In both cases, your relationships with reading and writing will change. This course will challenge you to think critically about those changes and how to transfer the skills you’ve been building to this new phase of your career (academic or not). 

Unlike a traditional syllabus, this website understands and responds to the changes that happen throughout the semester. These may include: changes to the readings, changes to the course schedule, collaborative community guidelines/expectations. 

In addition to adapting and reflecting those changes, the goal is that this serves as a repertoire for resources that can exist past the 16-weeks we will be in community.