The Ohio State University: College of Arts and Sciences

Community Guidelines

There will be different ways in which we will be in the community this semester: via writing, via discussion, via video chat, etc. My primary goal is that all of us can take space and make space in this class for each other.  Please take some time to review these. We will add collaboratively made guidelines during our first few weeks together.

A 2-dimensional icon of a group of people lined up in a single file and facing the screen. All of the figurines range in size and height, creating a diverse group of individuals.

Discussion and Communication Guidelines

The following are my expectations for how we should communicate as a class. Above all, please remember to be respectful and thoughtful.

Class discussion: Be prepared and ready to participate in any way that works for you (asynchronously, in the chat, out loud). Take space and make space during class discussion.

Tone and civility: Be respectful. Listen to understand instead of listening to respond. Differences of opinions are natural, but hate speech, offensive language, and/or views that create a hostile environment for other students are not. These will not be tolerated.

Zoom environment: You are the expert of your home/office/virtual environment. Nobody is expected to have a camera on if it makes them feel uncomfortable and/or unsafe. However, I strongly suggest creating for yourself a separate environment where it is easier for you to concentrate and be engaged during class discussions.

Citing your sources: It is important to give credit to folks when referencing their work. Not only is it good practice, but it prevents you from accidental forms of plagiarism. Cite your sources.

Backing up your work: To avoid mishaps, try to save your work in at least two separate spaces.

Collaborative guidelines: