Extra Credit Post: “Transgender Parents Speak Out About What Makes a Family”


The article, “Transgender Parents Speak Out About What Makes a Family” discusses the situation of two parents, Bianca and Nick Bowser. Both Bianca and Nick are transgendered; Bianca was born a boy named Jason, and Nick was born a girl named Nicole. The two fell in love and desperately wanted to start a family. Neither Bianca nor Nick had gone through a sex-reassignment surgery because they could not afford it. Bianca and Nick put the children before themselves, and Nick carried Bianca’s babies, which was mentally and emotionally challenging because he identified with the male gender. Bianca and Nick have decided they will tell their children that they are both transgendered while the two boys are young, and they believe the boys will understand. The couple lives a normal life; they are two parents working late and getting up early to take care of their kids. The transgender community is extremely supportive of them, along with friends and family.
In Bianca and Nick’s unique situation, many people are concerned about the children’s well being. The two boys must attempt to understand how their mother was originally born a boy while their father was born a girl. This concept is confusing for many people to grasp, but especially for the transgender couple’s children. Nick and Bianca’s decision to tell the boys while the boys are younger is a smart and bold decision. Some may argue that young children are not able to comprehend that their mom and dad changed genders, but keeping their original genders a secret would most likely blow up in Nick and Bianca’s faces later in the boys’ life. The boys will be much more accepting and understanding while they are young, compared to when they are older and gender stereotypes and societal norms become a huge, unavoidable aspect in their lives.
Bianca and Nick may be a little different than every other set of parents on their street, but being transgendered has nothing to do with the parenting of their children. The couple works hard to support their children, and they exemplify loving and honest parents. Anyone could tell how badly the two wanted to be parents; Nick carrying Bianca’s children is an extremely selfless act. Nick had fully identified as a male, but he was willing to use his female reproductive parts and carry both of his children for nine months. The mental and physical toll of even being a pregnant woman can be challenging for some mothers, but I am sure Nick’s confusion and frustration while carrying this child and walking around with a baby belly while being a man was no easy feat. Fulfilling the main purpose of the female body while Nick mentally felt like he was a male proves how badly he wished for children to complete his and Bianca’s family.
Much controversy has always surrounded transgender people, especially transgender parents. With gender stereotypes being so prevalent in our culture, many people cannot wrap their minds around a woman identifying as a man or a man identifying as a woman. Everything is always strictly male or female, and society believes there is nothing in between. Bianca and Nick are similar to every other loving set of parents. They will most likely not raise their children with any crazy, different values or different parenting techniques that are out of the ordinary just because they are transgendered parents; if anything, their children will grow up being much more accepting than other children because of their unique situation. Critics believe their transgendered relationship is wrong, and some may believe they do not have the right to have kids. Though the children may possibly go through confusion with both of their parents being transgendered, believing that Nick and Bianca are not fit to be parents because they are transgendered is extremely untrue.

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