Extra Credits

Hey guys,

So I follow a moderately-popular Youtube channel called Extra Credits. They post vlogs of video games, video game design, and video game theories.

They aren’t the usual “Top 10” myths or what have you of video games. What they do is break down popular and controversial topics in the video game world. These topics range from violence, sexuality, gender, race, toxicity, and many more topics. (They also have a lot of videos regarding game design and planning for games for all of you future game devs out there.)

What I’m making this post about is to show you all a few videos that relate to our class’ relation to sex and gender identities in the U.S. culture.

The first video is here. This is one of their older videos, but the idea still stands today. Video games are very much a popular medium of today’s culture and this video encompasses what approaches should be taken to mature the medium that is video games.

A more recent video of theirs is here, this video describes the female character portrayed in video games and what should be done to break free from the stereotypes that females tend to find themselves in video games.

These have not been the only two on the subject of gender in video games, so feel free to explore their channel! Especially if you’re into video games, these guys always have some thought provoking topics and handle these topics extremely well.