Archer: “Honeypot”

One of my favorite shows is Archer. Archer is a show about a spy who does everything right by doing everything wrong. He works for a spy agency that is owned and ran by his mother. He works in an environment where he has pretty much slept with everyone in the office and can do whatever he wants. Archer is also a drunk who can’t get over his Ex. Archer’s mom is a control freak of her sons life. Basically Archer is hers and only hers and can’t have a relationship of any kind. So as you can imagine nothing in this show goes right.

In an episode called “Honeypot”. Archer has to seduce a target that is blackmailing his mom. His target is a male spy from Cuba whom his mom thinks is gay and can be seduced by her son. The whole episode is stereotypes on gender, and homosexuals. Archer goes to Miami, where his target is located, and dresses how he thinks a homosexual dresses. To his surprise he is shut down and made fun of by the people around him. The large Ego that Archer has cant handle being shut down. So he calls the two guys that called him out that later help him complete his mission. The two men, are stereotypically a hairdresser and an interior designer.

The stereotypes just keep on pouring out too. The cuban being at a rooster fight club and playing a sport name Jai’alai. All being stereotypes of a latino. Archer goes to each location and ends up getting drug into some sort of misadventure. At the fight club he tries to but his target a drink and somehow fails at doing that. Instead, he has to help another guy burry his dead roster. When he shows up to play Jai’alai he gets hit in the head by the ball they throw at 185mph.

When Archer wakes up he is in the home of his target. This is where he finds out that they both have the same problems…their mothers. They both receive a phone call from their moms and hang up. Then they celebrate like a kid who first defies his parents. However, the two men that helped Archer get to his target storm into the building to kill them and take the sex tape that archers mom had made with the KGB leader. Everything works out for archerand the episode ends with him laughing at the thought of his butler being tied up and alone.

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