Final GE Assignment

For our final project, I chose to research a Filipino artist who is inspired by her culture and nature in her artwork; Patricia Eustaquio. While researching, it became clear to me that Eustaquio focuses on the perfection of imperfections. Her work uses a lot of line and mark-making to create texture and tell a story in her abstract style. I first mapped out all of the pieces that make up her work (in my opinion). I then devised a plan of how to incorporate all of these details into my own recreation of her art. After making a digital sketch, I brought my piece to life with the use of charcoal, ink, sharpie, and graphite.

Week 3 : Objective and Subjective Line

This week challenged me to go out of my comfort zone. I was instructed to use an ebony pencil to complete an objective line drawing of a still life, which is not easy, since it has such a dark value! I also completed a subjective line drawing of the same still life, showing more dimension to the objects. Not only can you see a difference between the lines in each drawings, but also how the objects shifted slightly due to the fact that I took a break in between drawings (and may have accidentally hit the objects with my huge drawing board). After completing this assignment, I have become more comfortable with these techniques, and I think it even shows when comparing the two from today.