Week 3 : Objective and Subjective Line

This week challenged me to go out of my comfort zone. I was instructed to use an ebony pencil to complete an objective line drawing of a still life, which is not easy, since it has such a dark value! I also completed a subjective line drawing of the same still life, showing more dimension to the objects. Not only can you see a difference between the lines in each drawings, but also how the objects shifted slightly due to the fact that I took a break in between drawings (and may have accidentally hit the objects with my huge drawing board). After completing this assignment, I have become more comfortable with these techniques, and I think it even shows when comparing the two from today.  

2 thoughts on “Week 3 : Objective and Subjective Line

  1. Nice work – I can tell your measurement skills are getting better and I can see how you made a slight shift in the second drawing to solve the issues that you might have faced in the first one.

    I think the move to make the top of the plant with very light lines was a smart one, as well as the light lines to show the reflection in the glasses lens. In fact, the glasses in your subjective line drawing really become three dimensional in a way different from the other objects!

    Again, thanks for your thoughts at the top of the post. I can tell you are really being critical and finding ways your drawing can grow.

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