
Middle Childhood, 6-8 years old

What to expect from a child this age?

Middle childhood is a very important time period for a child as it connects the dependent child to an independent teenager. The child during this age is most likely to open their mind to new options and utilize their free will. Their decisions to play sports and become more social will be an important part of their lives. As parents, it is crucial for them to be there no matter what decision is made. The support and proper actions by the parents and siblings is also crucial because at this age, the child is likely to start modeling their lives after ones in their families. Every action even coming down to health habits could be copied which is why it is important to start having their child eating healthy. Children of this age will deal with stress from socializing and growing up. For parents, there are certain indicators that their child is dealing with stress and these indicators will be highlighted in this website. Education during this time can impact how they grow up because their mind is becoming to develop its own thoughts and actions. Book about treating others equally, and creative thoughts are great for children of this age. Come with me as I introduce families to the child during this age!



Reading books for children is great because it shows them other opinions and ideas. It also teaches them how to treat others correctly as they are becoming more social. Below is a list of books for middle childhood children. Each book has its own purpose and will be talked about below.

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (PUFFIN FICTION): Jeff Kinney: 8601300117652: Books

  1. “Where the wild things are” by Maurice Sendak. This book is a great book for children opening their mind to new ideas. It is very creative and easy to understand. In the book, the character deals with anger properly which is a great way for children to cope with their own
  2. “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” by Jeff Kinney. This book was one of my favorites as a kid because it I could simply relate to it. The main character is a young kid in school and deals with a lot of conflicts and handles them all differently.
  3. “Same. Same but Different” by Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw. This book is great for middle childhood as it begins to show them the problems in our world but in a very light way. It shows them how to treat everyone equal.

Health Habits

Click the link below to see about how children should stay healthy during this age:

childhood health flyer


Family Structure

Click the link below to see how family structure affects children during this time period of their life:

Family Structure



One concept that could be overlooked for children this age is the stress that they deal with on the daily. Their minds, bodies, and hormones are growing rapidly and sometimes it is a bit much. Below I talk about how parents can identify the stress in their children and what measures they should take.


Stress Childhood