The Ohio State University: College of Education and Human Ecology
EHE Research Forum

EHE Research Forum

This is my first time to attend the research forum held by our college of EHE on Feb 23, 2018. I am glad a piece of my work, male teachers in elementary schools, got accepted. Because I went to observe…

Skyping with a Mathematician

Skyping with a Mathematician

This spring I’ve been working with three fifth grade girls at Columbus Spanish Immersion Academy. These girls are amazing! They’re excited about math and ask such thoughtful and insightful questions.   Together we’ve been learning about our numbering system by…

Reflections from AMTE

Ayse, Hochieh, and Theodore went to the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educator Conference in Houston, Feb 8-10, 2018. We learned a lot and had a ton of fun. Theodore presented a really fun, long session examining culture and history within…