
Global Awareness: The summer going into my sophomore year, I interned abroad for the David InterContinental Hotel in Tel Aviv, Israel.  Through working with the Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, as well as the Training and Development Manager, I gained first hand experience working with business professionals in another country, which opened my eyes to how other people and countries operate.  Living for a whole summer in another country that speaks a different language helped me to understand another culture and gave me experiences that classes and professors could not give me.

Original Inquiry: For my 2nd Year Service Project for Scholars, I chose to volunteer my time at Crisis Text Line.  Crisis Text Line is a global not-for-profit organization that helps people around the world in crisis, whether it be risk of harm, suicide, depression, abuse, or 3rd party engagement that text son someone else’s behalf.  Through Crisis Text Line, I have trained for 30 hours to become a crisis counselor and have committed to volunteering 200 total hours with Crisis Text Line.  Crisis Text Line has taught me how to effectively communicate with people not only on the platform and those who are texting in, but also in my daily life, with friends, colleagues, and peers.  Being a crisis counselor has shown me the joy in helping others and has helped me become a better leader, communicator, and also be able to empathize with people more.

Academic Enrichment: During my freshman year, I committed myself to academic excellence and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone in terms of what classes I took and going to get extra help from professors and TA’s.  I formed study groups with peers in my classes and dove straight into trying to understand and excel in every class I took, whether or not it was related to my major.  In doing so, I pushed myself academically in what I was used to and learned a lot about myself from it.  In my second year, I committed myself more to delving deeper into my studies by learning more about Excel and Access in CSE 2111, that will help with my future career.

Leadership Development: At the beginning of the 2nd semester of my sophomore year, I was accepted into the Fisher College of Business’s Dean’s Leadership Academy, which teaches students how to manage projects, leverage leadership strengths, as well as how to lead teams effectively.

Service Engagement: In my freshman year, I achieved over 20 hours of volunteer service at different places, such as the Martin Janis Community Center and UHA Columbus’s free health screening.  Through these events, I was able to not only help serve the community that I have moved into, but I was also able to bridge the gap between Ohio State and the Columbus community.  Through volunteering at the health screenings I was able to engage different populations in the community and give back, while also helping with the logistics and flow of the screening.  In my sophomore year, I have committed to 200 hours of volunteering as a Crisis Counselor at Crisis Text Line, a text line service that helps people in times of crisis, such as suicide, depression, family issues, abuse, and many other circumstances.

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