Support Your Fellow DSO members!

As the 2016 SSWR (The Society for Social Work and Research) Annual Conference quickly approaches, I thought it would helpful for DSO members to know who’s presenting what and when. If you are going to be at SSWR, stop by one of these amazing poster and oral presentations to support your peers and learn more about their interests! Of course, this blog is just meant to highlight DSO members and, therefore, I excluded other co-authors from this list… but please recognize them too!

You can also search for presentations here: SSWR Searchable Program

Thursday, January 14th

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM

  • Ashleigh Hodge and Donna Ruch, poster presentation: “Insignificant Findings: Polygraph Testing for Youth Sexual Offenders”
  • Sarah Huber and Michelle Hand, poster presentation: “Not All Food Environments Are Created Equal: The Case of an Urban Appalachian Community”

Friday, January 15th

8:00 AM – 9:30 AM

  • Sam Bates, poster presentation: “Reevaluation of the Coping Inventory for Task Stressors: Distinguishing Between African American and Caucasian, Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers”
  • Lauren Paluta and Tarkington Newman, poster presentation: “Spanish Validation of the Code of the Street Scale Among Salvadoran High Risk Youth and University Students”

9:00 AM

  • Cortney Drake, oral presentation: “Navigating Religious Beliefs: Parents’ Journey Toward Acceptance of LGB Children”

9:45 AM – 11:15 AM

  • Mi Sun Choi, poster presentation: “Substance Abuse Among Asian Americans Nationwide: The Impact of Childhood Victimization”
  • Sarah Huber, poster presentation: “A Comprehensive Review of Transnational Surrogacy: Ethical and Legal Challenges”
  • Michelle Hand, poster presentation: “A Systematic Review of the Impacts of Community Garden Participation on Social Capital: Exploring Alternative Methods of Promoting Social and Economic Justice”

10:15 AM

  • Xiafei Wang, oral presentation: “Pathways from Social Cohesion to Child Maltreatment: The Mediating Role of Social Support, Depression, and Parenting Stress”

10:45 AM

  • Sheila Barnhart, oral presentation: “Single Mothers in Their Communities: The Mediating Role of Parenting Stress from Neighborhood Social Cohesion and Physical Abuse”

11:15 AM

  • Yiwen Cao, oral presentation: “The Role of Community Participation and Neighborhood Processes in Reducing Child Maltreatment: Pathways through Parenting Stress and Personal Control”

1:45 PM – 3:15 PM

  • Rob Bennet and Michelle Hand, poster presentation: “A Holey Safety Net: ‘Economic Opportunity’, ‘Temporary Assistance’, and ‘Work-Fare’ in the United States”

2:15 PM

  • Katie Showalter, oral presentation: ‘The Protective Effect of Neighborhood Social Cohesion in Child Abuse and Neglect”

2:45 PM

  • Tori Negash, oral presentation: “Parenting Stress and Child Maltreatment: The Buffering Effect of Neighborhood Social Service Availability and Accessibility”

3:30 PM – 5:00 PM

  • Sarah Huber, poster presentation: “The Impact of Poverty on Family Planning Decisions in Rural Malawi”
  • Guijin Lee, poster presentation: “The Relationships Between Psychological Distress and General Health Information Seeking and Online Health Information Seeking”
  • Chang Liu, poster presentation: “Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Use of Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit (I-BMS) Treatment for People with Sleep Disorder/Problem”

5:15 PM – 6:45 PM

  • Donna Ruch and Ashleigh Hodge, poster presentation: “Families of Youth Who Have Sexually Offended: Typologies and Shared Experiences”
  • Tori Negash, poster presentation: “Do Social Services Matter for Child Maltreatment Prevention?: The Role of Parents’ Knowledge of Available Local Social Services”
  • Sheila Barnhart, poster presentation: “Measuring Difficult Conversations Between Practitioners and Parents about Babies’ Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke”

Saturday, January 16th

8:00 AM – 9:30 AM

  • Ashleigh Hodge and Donna Ruch, poster presentation: “Poly-Victimization Among Incarcerated Youth: The Effects of Direct Childhood Victimization Experiences on Later Direct and Indirect Victimization within Detention Facilities”

9:30 AM

  • Xiafei Wang, oral presentation: “Using Child Welfare Case Records to Understand Children’s Behavioral Health Needs and Services”

9:45 AM – 11:15 AM

  • Lauren Paluta, poster presentation: “Peer Effects on Social Competence Development in Positive Youth Development Programs”

Sunday, January 17th

8:00 AM

  • Jill Hoffman, oral presentation: “Service Needs and Referrals for Child Welfare Involved Families with and without Very Young Children”

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

  • James Beauchemin, poster presentation: “College Students with Disabilities: Examining Utilization and Outcomes in College Counseling”


If I forgot anyone, please add their name and presentation to the comments below!

Feel free to leave encouraging words of support for your peers in the comments!

One thought on “Support Your Fellow DSO members!

  1. Wow, 25 presentations altogether and I’m sooo impressed!!! Will share this with the College community. Enjoy SSWR!

    Sarah, thanks for posting the information. That’s very helpful.

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