Knowledge Bank submission

The Knowledge Bank is a permanent archive for final approved DNP projects. DNP students should upload their final approved document after successful completion of the DNP final defense. Please make sure all final documents have the DNP Program approved “Cover” page (

Steps for project submission:

  • Once the student has successfully defended their project and the Advisor/Chair and final project committee have given final approval to the written document, the student should submit the final approved document in PDF
  • The Knowledge Bank staff does a final review of submissions to ensure the document submitted is a PDF before they are “live” in the Knowledge Bank. Students will receive an email from the Knowledge Bank with the permanent stable URL to their project when their submission is approved and available via the Knowledge Bank.
  • The students are permitted to request an “embargo” of 1, 3, or 5 years. This decision should be made with discussion and approval from your advisor. This allows the student to delay public access to their project, during which time the public can see that it exists, but access to full text will not be available. When the embargo period is over, the Knowledge Bank staff update the item to make it publicly accessible.
    1. The form “Petition to Delay the Dissemination of an DNP Final Project through the Knowledge Bank” must be completed and signed by the student and advisor and emailed to immediately following submission of project to knowledge bank.



Approved 10.19.23