Transition to College

This section includes important information to help prepare you for your first semester at Ohio State.  Our goal is to help students develop a practical understanding of what they can expect in the next step in their academic career and navigate the transition to the college academic environment.

How do I schedule for my courses?

  • Students in the pre-nursing major will be pre-scheduled for autumn 2024 semester. You will receive your schedule at the Pre-Nursing Orientation this summer.

Who is my advisor?

  • On your Buckeyelink homepage, located on the right hand side, there is a box titled “Advisor.” If you click on the box, the name of the advisor and the email will become available to you.  If you do not yet have an advisor listed, one will be assigned by mid-August.

How do I complete a to-do list item on Buckeyelink?

  • Each student on their Buckeyelink has a section for “To Do” and “Holds.” To-do items, if not completed may prevent you from being able to complete other tasks. Be sure to complete all to-do items to ensure no holds or locks appear on your account.
  • Please be sure to click on the item in the “To Do” box and directions on how to complete the to-do item will appear.

Which version of the prerequisites are easiest/ hardest?

  • The number of a course does not necessarily indicate the difficulty of the course.
  • Academic Advisors are not able to speak to the difficulty of classes nor can they recommend a course to be easier than another.
    • Course difficulty is personal to students and one student may excel in a course that another finds more challenging
  • Some courses at Ohio State have prerequisites for entry.  If a student does not meet the prerequisites, the registration system will not allow a student to enter the course.
    • This allows a student to only enter courses they are qualified for based on the prerequisites set by the department.

Does the College of Nursing offer tutoring for the prerequisite courses?

  • No. Students needing additional support in prerequisite coursework should seek out the following support services made available by the University:
    • Attend the instructor’s office hours for help
    • Contact the department teaching the course to inquire if tutoring services are available
    • Utilize tutoring services through Younkin Success Center
    • Form study groups with students in your class

Are any of the prerequisite courses used as “weed out” classes?

  • No, none of the prerequisite courses are used to elimate students from the program. All prerequisite coursework as essential for success in the nursing program and your futrue as a Buckeye Nurse.

Is there a Nursing 1100 course in the spring semester?  How do I talk to my advisor in the spring?

  • No, Nursing 1100 is only offered in autumn semester, this means communication from the advisor to students will occur primarily through email in the spring semester.
  • It’s the student’s responsibility to reach out to the advisor when assistance in needed and to read/review the information shared by the advising team.

How much should I be studying for my classes?

  • The general rule of thumb is for every credit hour of the course, you should spend approximately 2-3 hours of studying.
    • ex: 3 credit hour class= 6-9 hours of studying per week

Can the same course be offered in different formats?

  • One course may be delivered in a variety of formats. For example: one section of Nursing 1100 may be delivered 100% online while another section of the same course will be offered as a hybrid class.
    • The course objectives will remain the same.

Who determines course objectives, assignments, due dates, and other specific details of a course?

  • The department offering the course will determine the course objectives, prerequisites for entry, and the course description.
  • If a student would like additional information about the course beyond the course description, they must contact the instructor for the course syllabus or for additional guidance.

Do instructors for the prerequisites coordinate content and course timelines with each other?

  • Courses like Biology and Chemistry, and Anatomy and Physiology, are taught by different departments at Ohio State.
  • Because they are offered in different departments, instructors for these courses would not consult with each other related to when specific topics are covered, or timing for assignments and tests.