
Hello, my name is Ross DiDonna. I am a current fourth year pharmacy student at The Ohio State University. I am originally from Cleveland, Ohio but moved down to Columbus for my undergraduate degree & professional school.

I have held two internships throughout pharmacy school at Ohio Health Rehabilitation Hospital and CVS Pharmacy. My passion for pharmacy really lies with direct patient care in the outpatient setting. Although undecided, I am leaning towards continuing my career in the community setting post-graduation with the hope of advancing to a more administrative role in the future.

I am excited for the future of pharmacy and am looking forward to learning and growing from new experiences. Below is the schedule of my rotations this year:

APPE Rotation Schedule:

May 2021 – Ohio State Ambulatory Care Center

June 2021 – Uptown Pharmacy

July 2021 – Month off

August 2021 – Charitable Pharmacy of Central Ohio

September 2021 – Nationwide Children’s Homecare Infusion Pharmacy

October 2021 – Comprehensive Pharmacy Services

November 2021 – Ohio State James Cancer Center Outpatient Pharmacy

December 2021 – Month off

January 2022- Ohio State James Cancer Center Administration

February 2022- Month off

March 2022 – Ohio State Hospital/Health Systems

April 2022 – Ohio State Infectious Disease

May 2022 – Graduation

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