2017 Día de los muertos events announcement

Presentation by Dr. Ignacio Corona and Andean Ensemble Performance directed by Dr. Michelle Wibbelsman Announcement

Photo Gallery of November 4, 2017 Procession and Activities:

Procession from Gateway Film Center to the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum 2017

Welcome by Dr. Paloma Martinez-Cruz to the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum

Danza Azteca Performance at Billy Ireland

OSU Research Assistant, Patricia Ratcliff



Organizers, Estephanie Ortiz and Pamela Espinosa de los Monteros


Photo Booth

Activities room at Billy Ireland

Remembrance Tree with Dr. Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza


Creating leaves for the Árbol de los deseos/Tree of Wishes

Exhibit at Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum

Thank you to our volunteers!