Nine Reasons to take a KNSFHP Activity Class Before You Graduate

At least once before you graduate. The benefits are so good, though, you’ll want to take an activity class every semester. 1)     You’ll get a healthy break from studying, and from the computer. You can let off steam, work it out and/or mellow out, and not even have a hangover the next day. 2)     Physical Activity is good for the brain. Seriously! If you can’t force yourself away from your studies, you need to consider this: research has shown that different kinds of exercise are linked to better regulation of neurotransmitters, faster learning, and lowered stress levels which increase ability to focus. Learn more here, here and here. 3)     Dedicated Exercise Time Have you ever felt sluggish, knowing that once you  get moving, you’ll feel better, and STILL somehow put off exercising for days? When you take a KNSFHP class you have dedicated times for activity each week, and the bonus of earning  an academic credit  to keep you motivated on those sluggish days. 4)     Skilled Instruction If something is worth doing, it is worth doing well. Taking a class helps you develop skills for more satisfying performance. Plus you will learn to take care of yourself and practice with safety in mind. 5)     Learn Healthy Habits for Life Of all that you learn in college, how much applies directly to your health and well-being? What you learn in activity classes you will be able to use for the rest of your life. 6)     Better College Memories Looking back twenty years, I have few memories of being in major and lecture classes. On the other hand, I have many fond memories of participating in elective classes in movement and physical activity. When we learn experientially, we make more neural connections, and stronger memories. 7)     Have Fun Exercising In KNSFHP there are so many types of classes to choose from. You can stick to activities you know you enjoy or branch out and try something new. You might even find a new favorite! 8)     Balance Your Game If you already play a sport or have other athletic pursuits, consider taking a class in a counter-discipline to complement your practice. Sore muscles from lifting or running? Try yoga to get more stretching. Training in a high impact sport,? Balance with a  lower impact activity like tai chi, yoga, or swimming. Do a lot of weight training but need some cardio? Try aerobics, or a fast -paced ball sport like soccer. You get the idea. 9)     Peer Support Take some risks, try something new. You’ll have a whole group of folks learning along with you. You’ll learn new skills, and it wouldn’t be surprising if you made some new friends in the process.

Beaker Prince, Lecturer – Sport, Fitness, and Health Program