
  • Global Awareness: I become a well-rounded, globally aware student by immersing myself in other cultures. During my time at Ohio State I plan on either studying abroad or going on a service trip. This will allow me to better understand the inner workings of other cultures and learn what makes specific places unique and special. Although immersing oneself in another culture is a great way to get to know that culture, I am also able to become a more globally aware student through my course work here at Ohio State. Through Spanish classes I am able to learn about a wide variety of countries and cultures. Familiarizing oneself with people and places different than what one is used to helps to make him/her a more open-minded, aware individual. Here in Columbus and in foreign countries I will be able to gain a larger appreciation for diversity and uniqueness of our campus, our city, our state, our country, and our world.
  • Original Inquiry: As a student at The Ohio State university, I plan to engage in original inquiry on both a small and large scale. I will participate in scholarly endeavors on a daily bases through immersing myself in challenging coursework. On a larger scale, I will put my learning to work through participating in research projects. I plan to take advantage of the multitude of research opportunities here at Ohio State in order to integrate my learning into research, and therefore, make advancements and discoveries. By taking my coursework to the next level with research, I will be able to gain first-hand experience applying the course material to real life situations. Immersing myself in research will also help me to become a more well-rounded person, learning about the world around me.
  • Academic Enrichment: As a member of the Ohio State Honors Program, I have access to top-tier, challenging classes which will take my learning to the next level. By immersing myself in challenging coursework I will be able to receive an education that will prepare me for both medical school and the workforce. Ohio State offers a rigorous curriculum that pushes students to be the best they can be. By teaching students to excel in and out of the classroom, the Ohio State Honors program produces lifelong learners dedicated to academic enrichment.
  • Leadership Development: Throughout my time at The Ohio State University I will gain leadership experience, preparing me for lifelong leadership. Leadership opportunities are present all over campus, in many different ways. First, I can be a leader in the classroom by pushing myself and others to do the best work possible. By leading and aiding my classmates, I will be able to develop as a leader on a daily basis. I will also be able to become a leader in the community by immersing myself in the community and assuming a leadership goal. Moreover, I will be able to gain leadership skills through  extra-curricular activities throughout campus. I plan to assume leadership roles in clubs and student organizations as I gain skill and experience through the years. Lastly, Ohio State will prepare me for future leadership goals in the medical field. By learning what it means to be a leader and how to be a good leader through my time at Ohio State, I will be able to put my kills to good use.
  • Service Engagement: Here at The Ohio State University I was capitalize on a multitude of service opportunities throughout campus and the Columbus community.  I have always had a passion for helping others and these opportunities will allow me to fulfill my inherent need to do good work and inspire positive change.  I have already started, and plan to continue, this community service through the student organization A Moment of Magic.  A Moment of Magic allows college students to dress up as Disney princesses and visit kids with illnesses and disabilities.  Being able to provide this life-changing service to children throughout Ohio allows me to fulfill my commitment to service.