Year in Review

This semester, I’ve learned so much about Ohio State and myself. I’ve learned that Ohio State has tons of resources to help students. I found my favorite study spot in the West 18th Library, and the lifesaving Learning Resource Center. Most importantly, I learned that this isn’t high school anymore, and I need to study for real now. After my first chemistry midterm, I learned which study skillls worked best for me. When the time came to take the second one, I felt much more confident and my grade reflected that. I’ve learned how to balance living on my own, studying , and working a part time job.


Global awareness is very important to me. The United States is a melting pot with over 350 languages. It is extremely important that in our service work we are helping every type of person we can. To expand my service, I am pursuing a minor in Spanish. Studying Spanish has helped me appriciate other languages and cultures. Understanding others and being empathetic towards them can help us all take our service work to the next level.


A testament to my work ethic and passion for volunteering:

Hannah Daulbaugh Letter-1jkqast

My volunteer hours at the Medina Cleveland Clinic:

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My job at the Medina Cleveland Clinic has been one of my favorite volunteer positions. Interacting with patients and workers has helped me find a passion in the field of medicine and a comfort that this is the right career choice for me. I plan on continuing this volunteering in the summers when I return home, and have started a volunteer job at The James Cancer Center to continue this type of volunteering.




Volunteering at the Wesley Glen Hospital with the Biological Science Scholars was an incredible experience. We learned lots of communication and interpersonal skills. Seeing the patients here of all stages and learning how to interact with all of them is a very important skill I will be sure to use in my future career. I loved this experience and cannot wait to go back.

About Me

Hello. My name is Hannah Daulbaugh and I’m a 1st year student at The Ohio State University. I am pursuing a major in Biology with a minor in Spanish on the PreMed track. I’m involved in the PreMed Club, Student Government, and I am in the Biological Science Scholars group. I plan on attending medical school to become either an orthopedic surgeon or a physician. I grew up in Wadsworth, Ohio with my parents, twin brother, dog, and two cats. I love doing sports, playing card games, and hanging out with friends. I hope to make the most of my time here at Ohio State, and be super involved in order to get ahead in my career.