Dream Journal

Dream 1:

The dream started with me in a sort of bedroom where there was a bed against the mid point of the wall facing a large wardrobe with a door to the right and a large window with ugly green drapes to the right. All of a sudden the window drapes started moving back and forth slowly making loud noises at which point I believe I was haunted! Instead of cowering I messed with the moving drapes which caused the wardrobe to open with stuff flying around everywhere. I started screaming at the ghost or demon or whatever dream thing it was to screw off and antagonized it with a flurry of slurs. At which point this caused someone in the house to run up to this room, since this was a dream their face was not really there, but behind them appeared a creepy demon face resembling that of Majora’s Mask from Zelda. For some reason I grabbed at the face and when I made contact with the creepy face I was pulled into some type of portal which brought me to a weird labyrinth of gray walls. Eventually I found myself a way out of the system of caves which was a red wooden door. When I went through I was suddenly in a city coffee shop. Then I woke up.

Dream 2:

My most recent dream recently was a fairly short one. When I was first thrown into the dream I found myself hiding in the corner of some cabin being a wooden bar with my arms around my legs, and for some reason I was scared. When I stood up and looked past the wooden bar which was blocking most of my view I found that the entire place was almost rotten and trashed with a table sideways in the middle of the room I was in and four chairs scattered around it. Straight past the table was a wooden door half nailed shut with two glass windows to the left and right of it, so I rounded my way out of the long wooden bar area and walked straight for the door. When I got close to the door I peeked through the right window and learned I was in the middle of endless thick woods and there was a full moon shining moonlight through the leaves. I decided to break the nailed shut door open and the loud noise caused countless shadowy and long figures nearby all the trees to appear up with these white glowing eyes and just stare at me. After a few seconds wide white holes appeared below their eyes at which point the loudest screech rung through the air and hurt my ears so badly and startled me so much that I woke up!

Dream 3:

The thing that started off this dream for me was entering this Halloween costume shop that from the outside looked small and decrepit. But when inside it was much larger and had a glow and white sheen on the walls like just by existing the place was clean and organized. For some reason however I found myself with the goal to steal from this strange Halloween shop so I browsed the walls and aisles of this strange store until eventually I ran into a worker who started off by saying the average, ” Do you need any help over here?” I responded with a a no. But this response seemed to almost agitate him and he started twitching with his smile and eyes contorting in strange directions. Not really knowing how to react I mumbled an, “Okay Sure,” to him. This calmed him and he motioned in a way such that I should follow, and he lead me to this strange light brown crumbling door in the back of the store which heavily contrasted with the clean white that most of the store had. He quietly opened it and allowed me to step through. And behind this door I found myself on a place I could only describe as a warehouse crossed with a boat dock. It had a large looming roof going over head and when looking all directions I could never really make out an end to it and there were sparsely placed rows river canals and boxes everywhere. In front of me however after walking through was a creature that looked like the one from the Harry Potter movie that was chowing down on the unicorn in the woods. But instead here it was eating a twitching and writhing human body that I could not make out the face of. I made a small slur under my breath and it instantly turned and I saw these huge round black eyes that held no light and my entire vision seemed to tunnel into them intensely. And then I woke up!