Postcard Project

This picture is inspired by the popular travel postcards that try their best to capture the feel of the place they are from. For this postcard I used a picture I took from the Wright Airforce  Base in Dayton, Ohio. The chosen picture was the one that showed the most angles of the airplane offerings you can see when you visit the base. The picture uses shape and color to give the picture some more memorability especially through the text plastered over the picture. In the text I placed some blue sky as well as foliage because while the inside of the base is dark and filled with machinery; the surrounding area was filled with plains, forest, and blue sky. It truly felt isolated in that way, so that is what I attempted to portray through the text picture. And also the red color of the edges were chosen in order to avoid the pictures within the text to blend with the background image because the red separates background from the text imagery. Also the whole picture was placed on a postcard background to really give it the postcard feel that the picture needs. The image was created by first creating the text in Adobe Illustrator and then placing the text in Photoshop in front of the Wright Airforce Base picture. Then the postcard background was placed above the other two layers with as a Multiply layer to grant the text and photo the same color tone as the postcard picture. Then the photo’s edges were blurred with the “refine edges” tool to blur the photo and postcard together.


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