Ohio 4-H Presents Statewide “Camp…ish” Opportunity

Calling all stay-at-home campers! Ohio 4-H staff miss summer camp as much as you do, and we want to do what we can to bring elements of camp to your home!

On June 9-11, you are invited to join us for Ohio 4-H Camp…ish! It is open to any youth ages 8-18 across the state of Ohio. Friends who are not in 4-H are welcome to register, too! There is no cost for attending, although some activities will require the use of basic art supplies, household items, or things found outdoors. Please visit go.osu.edu/campish to register by June 7! Activities will be hosted at the following times each day: 9-11 AM, 1-3 PM, 4-5 PM.

Campers are not required to attend all sessions, so sign up and come for the times you can enjoy Camp…ish activities brought to you by Ohio 4-H Camp…ish Directors!

4-H Camp Counselor Applications

4-H members interested in becoming 4-H Camp Counselors in 2020 have until November 15, 2019 to submit their completed applications to the Extension Office.

Applications are currently available online:  https://darke.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/2020-darke-county-4-h-camp or in hard copy form from the Extension Office.

SAVE THE DATE: Darke County 4-H Camp will be June 15-18, 2020. Registration information will be available in late April.

Darke County 4-H Camp Registration

Friends, Fun, and Sun!

4-H camp is a great way to spend part of your summer!  Come to camp and meet new friends, learn new skills, and have fun in the great outdoors.

4-H Camp will be held June 17-20 at Indian Hills 4-H Camp in Miami County.   Registration information is now available online: https://darke.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/2019-darke-county-4-h-camp   Check it out!

Early bird registration deadline is May 17.  Final camp registration deadline is June 1.

Darke County 4-H Camp Counselor Applications are Available

4-H youth who will be at least 14 years old and in high school by the start of camp (June 17-20, 2019) are invited to apply to serve as a 4-H Camp Counselor.  Deadline to apply is Friday, November 16, 2018.
