Leadership Development

As a member of the cross country and track team in high school I was a captain of both teams my Junior and Senior year. Being a captain as a Junior was a huge honor and responsibility, I had to show that I deserved the spot appointed to me. Throughout both seasons I made it my goal to make sure each girl on the team felt encouraged and motivated. I did this through sending motivational messages via text messages as well as by cheering them on throughout practice. I also led by example with my dedication to the sport, making it a priority. In the background I helped organize events for the team, helped plan workouts and led workouts each practice. This act of leadership instilled confidence in myself that showed I can have an impact on others.

I won the captains award 4 seasons in a row, Ray Hyser award for Athletic Leadership and the Female Athlete of the year my Senior year which reflected the appreciation for my leadership in athletics at my high school. One of the most memorable experiences being a leader of the track team was leading my 4×8 team to the State Championships by motivating each member of the relay to be positive and work hard throughout the whole season.The most rewarding part of this experience was helping form a successful and bonded team. At Ohio State I hope to fill a leadership role similar to this role. I firmly believe that when people involve themselves in things that they love, they thrive. My passion for running and health and wellness is something that I will have forever. At OSU I am a ember of the Club Running team and hope to hold an officer position as an upperclassman. I also plan to apply to be a wellness ambassador for the university so I can continue to help others with their health and mental well-being.




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