Staff Performance Assessments

Process Overview

The College of Veterinary Medicine requires supervisors and managers to complete the performance management process for all unclassified and classified staff.  Questions regarding the performance plan should be addressed to the HR Consultant assigned to your department.

Managers and staff are required to utilize the Staff Performance Management and Assessment Tool to track performance and goal setting for the fiscal year.


Timeline: March 1 – March 31

Employee completes the Employee Self-Review section.

Instructions: The Self-Review provides employees with the opportunity to contribute significantly to improving performance and the working relationship with the manager. The Self-Review encourages employees to be proud of your accomplishments and candid about areas of improvement.  The following questions are intended to help employees organize their thoughts and share information with their managers prior to the manager completing the annual assessment. An essential goal of the performance assessment is that the employee and manager know clearly what they expect of each other and the employee feels strongly that they can achieve their objectives by working together.  The employee’s self-assessment should answer the following questions:

    • Describe your most significant accomplishments this year.
    • Describe any new tasks or duties you performed which were outside the scope of your regular duties.
    • Describe any new skills you learned and applied to your regular duties.
    • Describe any work-related barriers or challenges that impacted you in effectively completing your job responsibilities.
    • Describe any collaborative initiatives you participated in during the year.
    • Describe ways you contributed positively to improve processes, policies, duties/tasks, or relationships.
    • List any activities at the university or college level which you have participated in during the assessment year.
    • Include any other pertinent performance information which you feel your manager should know.


Timeline: April 1st – May 30th 

Managers should be thoughtful and consistent when completing the annual review section.  In order to effectively document an employee’s performance, whether it’s achieves or not-achieves, the manager should use examples from the workplace to support their comments and ratings.  Since the performance assessment is a part of the official personnel files, it can be reviewed later for various employment actions.  It’s important that the information not be based on hearsay or subjective information but rather facts and documented scenarios.

CORRECTION (Added 4/25/2024): The Manager comments and ratings have been hidden from employees view and will not become visible until June 1, 2024. 

During this time, the following tasks should be completed:

    1. Completion of the performance review.
    2. Completion of the competency ratings and feedback for each competency.
    3. Review by the unit’s senior leaders.
    4. Meetings with employees who received competency or overall low ratings.

Final ratings are based on the following scale:

    • 2.60 – 3.00 = Exceeds Expectations
    • 1.60 – 2.59 = Fully Achieves Expectations
    • 0.76 – 1.59 = Sometimes Achieves Expectations
    • 0.00 – 0.75 = Does Not Meet Expectations


Timeline: June 1st – June 30th

Assessments are to be signed by the employees at the end of each performance cycle.  Employees also have the option to add any final comments regarding their assessment.


Timeline: September 1st – September 30th

Employees and managers should set their goals for the FY25 performance year.  These goals will be part of the assessment that will take place in FY25.


Timeline: October 1st – January 31st

Managers must schedule and meet with staff at least once per the assessment year.  It is highly recommended that the manager hold more than one mid-year check-in.  The mid-year check-in should review ongoing progress and make appropriate adjustments to the goals as work and tasks change.

CLARIFICATION (Added 3/22/2024): Employees and managers can cut and paste from MS Word documents using only the CTRL C and the CTRL V functions and NOT the mouse copy/paste.  We have reported this to the University.