Flexible Work Arrangements

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Employees and managers should work together and follow the process below to set up approved and successful flexible work arrangements. Work collaboratively to modify the proposal if business operations make the original request not feasible. Once you are in agreement, it must be documented in the Flexible Work Agreement.

You are encouraged to revisit and reevaluate Flexible Work Agreements at least once a year. College and units can set guidance and timelines for reviewing agreements, which could be aligned with annual performance management conversations. However, if the arrangement changes at any time, employees should follow the below process to evaluate and submit a new Flexible Work Agreement.

The approval of flexible work is not a right of an employee or faculty member, and it also does not change the terms and conditions of employment with Ohio State. Managers reserve the right to require, deny, alter or cease flexible work based on the unit’s business needs, the individual’s work performance or other factors. The availability of flexible work options may change as we evolve in how we do our work.

NOTE: The University does not permit international work arrangements longer than 60 days and not part of an approved leave of absence.  If an employee moves permanently out of the country, they must forfeit their employment with the University.  There are no exceptions.

For further questions or to submit an approved/signed Flexible Work Agreement to your personnel file, please see your HR Consultant.