Workplace Concerns

All individuals may report any kind of inappropriate behavior or concerns for their safety at the link below.  You do not have to report this directly to your supervisor or individuals in the College if you feel concerns for retaliation or concerns for your safety.  Use the links below to report your concerns including reporting anonymously. Concerns submitted through the below resources are handled by university departments not associated with the College and will be handled in accordance to federal, state, and university policies.

Employee and Labor Relations

OHR Employee and Labor Relations Sr. Consultant  – Christina Cunningham ( or via phone at 614-292-5302)

The Employee and Labor Relations Office assists managers and employees with determining workplace policy concerns, especially as it relates to potential violations of university policies.  Employees and managers with questions on performance concerns, probationary removals, religious accommodations, EEOC information, reduction in force, University policy interpretation, and employee relations concerns should reach out to the ELR Consultant for advice and guidance.