Text Review: Get Out

The film of Get Out is a movie released in 2017, which narrates a horror story that a black man (Chris) is invited by his white girlfriend (Rose) to spend the weekend with her parents. But then Chris found he was caught up in a huge conspiracy. His girlfriend’s family is engaged in a consciousness transfer operation, transferring the consciousness of the elderly, frail or disabled white man to the body of the black man by the operation. Finally, Chris escapes the horrific town with the help of his friend.

The Get Out is definitely not a pure suspense thriller, which is a metaphor for the problem of racism about African American. In the film, the father of Rose is full of praise for Chris’s excellent physical fitness. However, his admiration of Chris’s body, which seems to be a compliment, is actually a form of racism. The actor utilized the story to criticize those who talk about equality, but still build the wall between them and African Americans. In most people’s opinion, the physical fitness of Africans is considered to be the best among all ethic groups. Besides, the important position of Africans in modern sport events demonstrates that the explosive force and muscle strength are far higher than other groups. However, the advantages become a factor of discrimination. For example, when people refer to the Asians, they would think about good math, hard work and careful calculation; when they refer to Jews, they would think about moneymaker, canny and wealthy. What may seem like a virtue is actually a form of racism.

After I watched the movie, I thought that the opinion expressed in the film was related to a concept “one and other” in our course. In today’s society, many Americans still consider Africans or Asians as “other”. In their eyes, Africans or Asians are different from them just because of skin color. In this way, the differences of treatment between African and their ethic group is obvious. On the other hand, some people intentionally avoid the racism problem to treat Africans overly friendly, but indeed hurt them. The so-called “equality” is not just to show good will, but to stand on the same footing with others.


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