Diary of Systemic Injustices Showcase

I think there is still a kind of discrimination against people with disabilities. About a week ago I read a piece of news that the bus driver did not recognize a blind man with a disability certificate because the blind man’s eyes looked healthy. In China, people with disabilities can take public transport for free, but they need to show proof of their disability. What I’m trying to say is that not all blind people are completely blind, severe amblyopia is also a degree of disability, and the driver decided that the disability certificate was a sham to cheat the fee for the free ride, just because it looked like both eyes were healthy. It is also disrespectful and unfair to people with disabilities. Although many of the other passengers on the bus defended the blind man, they were more afraid of wasting their time than caring for such people, and many even laughed at or looked down upon disabled people when they met them outside. For these disabled people, life has done harm to them, and even they have to suffer from other people’s in different looks and even ridicule. I think this is a serious injustice, and it should be corrected from people’s hearts. We need to give them care, not a sneer. On the other hand, the government should also strengthen the help for the disabled and the verification of certificates. Many healthy people take advantage of petty gains to pretend to be disabled and cheat the care of kind-hearted people. Such behavior is extremely shameful and unfair and insulting to real disabled people. In addition to normal people, there is a kind of phenomenon that the disabled discriminate against some other disabled people. I think for this phenomenon, the key is that the discrimination of others’ lack of confidence. Only in the discrimination of other disabled people, his fragile and poor self-esteem can be comforted. This is laughable and incomprehensible because I think those disabled people who discriminate against other disabled people know the pain of being teased and discriminated against. Why do they inflict this pain on others else. The two words on the first picture mean employment. Nowadays, many companies will refuse disabled people in their requirements. Although they are weak in physical work, other jobs suitable for them will still be discriminated against.

This is a picture from the earlier news of bus drivers discriminating against disabled people by choosing their passengers.

One thought on “Diary of Systemic Injustices Showcase

  1. I definitely think discrimination against people with disabilities can be easily overlooked by many. Most of the time, people don’t know what someone has been through (disabled or not). It can be frustrating for someone who is disabled to see or be around others who don’t have the same challenges as they do. I also believe a lot of people take things for granted that perhaps an individual with disabilities doesn’t have or has difficulty with. It saddens me that on the bus, people were more worried about wasting their time than simply caring for others. Most people, if not all, know someone who lives with disabilities, and we shouldn’t ever judge or jump to conclusions. Perhaps there are some jobs that may not be the best for individuals with certain types of disabilities. However, there are still a lot of options as noted above that these individuals can pursue.

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