About Me

I love to learn just for the sake of learning and will constantly be trying to understand something if I don’t get it the first time. I love to try new things and learn about the world and different cultures. I take a lot of notes and will write a lot and then re-read and sometimes re-write the notes I take to understand what is being taught. I ask a lot of questions to make sure I am doing my tasks correctly. I took a lot of IB courses in high school so I understand that work has to be put into classes in order to succeed. I would like to get a 4.0 this year but if that isn’t attained I want to at least maintain a 3.7 and above.   I have a pre-med focus and would one day like to become some type of surgeon. My favorite past time activity is Brazilian jiu jitsu. I don’t really have a very recent picture of me doing so this one is from like a year or two ago


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