Year in Review

I plan on fulfilling my G.O.A.L.S. through coursework, research, internships, work, and more.

I have already taken courses that cover the United States and beyond to expand my Global Awareness. In my classics courses, I have read ancient texts by Livy and Ovid covering Roman history and mythology. One of my current courses is the History of HIV, where we are learning more about the historical and scientific histories of the virus. In addition, I am a part of the STEP program, and my goal is to travel to South Korea and look for my birth parents, either through a study abroad program or with the adoption agency.

For Original Inquiry, I have taken some research and statistics courses, as part of my major and minor. Through Psychology 2300, Research Methods in Psychology, and Statistics 2480, I have learned more about research methods, ethics, and data analysis. With this knowledge in mind, I am looking to do research in either the veterinary field or psychology. I have made contacts in the veterinary field and would like to do either clinical or preventative research. In addition, I am also shadowing at the farm hospital here at The Ohio State University, where I am able to see the applications of veterinary medicine.

In terms of Academic Enrichment, I am taking higher-level courses within my major and minor, zoology and clinical zoology. Part of my challenging coursework has been taking honors classes, such as general and organic chemistry, as well as writing and literature. I chose zoology as my major in preparation for a veterinary program, and I chose clinical psychology so that I could study the differences and similarities between people. One of my favorite courses was Psychology 3530, Theories of Personality, which gave me insight into different theories and research.

For Leadership Development, I am currently on the board for the Zoology Club, as the Chair of Advertising. In this position, I work on outreach and marketing our club, meetings, and events by designing flyers and reporting opportunities to our group. I also think that research will help me become more independent and also help me develop my own thoughts and ideas. In addition, my jobs and internships at local veterinary hospitals over the summer help me learn and grow as a leader.

Finally, I work on my Service Engagement through various volunteering opportunities on campus. One of my favorite places to volunteer is at Butternut Farms Wildcat Sanctuary, where I go with the Zoology Club. Working with my fellow club members, we clean and repair the sanctuary, in order to make sure that the domestic cats, wildcats, and other animals have a safe and comfortable living environment. I have also participated in events like food drives and blood drives in order to help the community, and I hope to continue in the future.