Dream Collage Drawing

Here is my sketched version of my dream drawing. It was a lot of fun to transition it to black and white, though I didn’t have the time I needed to get some of the more midtone values correct. Overall I think it turned out well though.

One thought on “Dream Collage Drawing

  1. I am really
    I am excited about this shift from other work I have seen from you Ethan! I know you are very interested in drawing from the mind’s eye and creating a story in your work, which is often fiction or fantastic. This seems like an interesting balance between observation and surreal fantasy. What you are drawing is sourced from something “real” but combined and translated we find something totally new.

    I think this is a great demonstration of how you can find something unexpected to draw through the process of translation from collage. I wonder if you would ever consider drawing this scene if you had not made the collage? Now that you have completed this one, what would you add or change to your next drawing from this translation? You might even get more surreal, introduce new objects and characters into the landscape, or change the ones you already put in there to find a story you want to tell!

    If you are interested in “abstraction” this exact process is a method for where to start.

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