Q&A: Research Health Information

close up photo of a stethoscope
Last year, the Office of Responsible Research Practices partnered with several university and medical center offices to host a webinar on Ohio State’s Protected Health Information and HIPAA policy.

In this post, we answer some of the questions from attendees about the policy and research health information (RHI).
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Webinar follow-up – University HIPAA Policy: What it Means for Your Research

hand pointing to health icons on a computer monitorIn June 2021, the Office of Responsible Research Practices, Wexner Medical Center Compliance and Integrity, Wexner Medical Center Information Technology and Security, and the Office of the Chief Information Officer, Enterprise Security, offered a session on the new university HIPAA policy. The webinar materials are now available on the web; answers to questions submitted by attendees will be answered in a forthcoming post.
Continue reading Webinar follow-up – University HIPAA Policy: What it Means for Your Research

PHI and HIPAA Policy out for university-wide feedback

As announced in OnCampus yesterday, the Wexner Medical Center Compliance and Integrity office is proposing a new Protected Health Information and HIPAA Policy. Once in effect, “research” will be designated as a non-covered function and fall outside of HIPAA regulations, regardless of the unit employing the researchers. Procedure IV concerns the disclosure of PHI for research purposes. ORRP encourages the research community to review and comment on the proposed policy during the public comment period, which closes January 25, 2021.
Continue reading PHI and HIPAA Policy out for university-wide feedback