
Over the course of my time at Ohio State, I hope to accomplish each of my Honors and Scholars G.O.A.L.S. To gain a greater global awareness, I would like to take advantage of the opportunity to meet and interact with many different people from various backgrounds. Additionally, by the time I graduate, I hope to be able to participate in an education abroad program in Europe or Australia. I also intend to become involved in original inquiry by taking part in undergraduate research, most likely in history or political science, and graduating with research distinction. In terms of academic enrichment, I aim to challenge myself by taking rigorous courses and graduating with a double major in history and political science, as well as a minor, perhaps in economics or English. In doing so, I hope to explore my various academic interests in greater depth and to prepare myself for the rigors of law school, which I plan to attend after graduating. By becoming active in various groups and clubs, as well as by becoming a University Ambassador, FYE peer leader, or PSL mentor, I hope to develop my leadership skills throughout my time here at Ohio State. I would also like to become involved in service. In the past, I have spent time volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House in Cleveland, and I am happy to be able to continue to support the organization here in Columbus as a part of Buckeyes for Ronald McDonald House Charities.

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