Enrollment Instructions:
- Open a browser window. Note that you may need to log in using your name.# and password. If you have not activated your account or have forgotten your password please contact IT Help and Support at 614-688-HELP.
- Navigate your web browser to Buckeye Link here. Under My Student Center, select LOGIN IN.
- Log in using your name.# and password (the same that you use to log in for your OSU e-mail account).
- Under Academics on the left hand side, select ADD A CLASS. Select Autumn 2020 when prompted.
- On the Select Classes to Add page, then click the SEARCH Input the appropriate campus (Columbus), course subject and course number information and click SEARCH again to find open sections of the courses you’ve been approved to enroll in.
- When you find a section that fits your schedule click on the SELECT CLASS button for that section. Follow the pages (either adding other courses components for that course or simply confirming your choice by selecting the NEXT button) until that course appears in your shopping cart.
- Repeat steps 5-6 until all of your approved courses have been added to your shopping cart.
A word of caution: the shopping cart feature will allow you to put a class in your cart even if you do not meet the prerequisites or if the class is full or if it creates a time conflict with another course in your schedule. However, the registration system should catch these errors before you finish enrolling.
- Click the PROCEED TO STEP 2 OF 3 button to confirm the courses in your shopping cart.
- Click FINISH ENROLLING. If your enrollment is a success, you will see that message and a green Check Mark next to each course successfully added to your schedule. If there is an error, you will see the reason for the error and a red X instead.
- To view your class schedule in a weekly-view format, click either the MY CLASS SCHEDULE button under the results box or the tab at the top of the page and then select the weekly view. This view is only available after you have finished enrolling (i.e. it is not available from the shopping cart).