Text Review Assignment – Spirited Away

Spirited Away is an anime film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It was released in 2001 and has won a wave of critical acclaim since its release. Won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature film at the 75th Academy Awards. No one can understand Spirited Away, and at different ages, we might have interpreted the film differently.

The film is set in Japan during the bubble economy, and Miyazaki wants to remind people of that time. Don’t lose yourself and don’t let Japan go further and further down the lost road. At the beginning of the film, Chihiro’s car pulls into a fork in the road, which means that Japan’s economy also begins to change lanes. Chihiro’s parents were also representatives of adults during Japan’s bubble economy. Galloping over unpaved roads. Blind search, greedy exploration. They ate the “food” she shouldn’t eat, and finally, they were turned into a pig.

Chihiro’s experience represents the film’s main theme — self-loss, self-search, and self-growth. Chihiro at the beginning of the film is a timid little girl who likes to cry and has no manners. But with her experience in the soup house, she became brave and strong and polite. What changed her? Maybe it was Haku’s unrequited help for her, maybe it was Kamaji’s kindness, maybe it was Lin’s care for her. In a word, love in that unreal world…

Maybe we all need a friend like Haku in our childhood. Step forward when we are in danger. But we are often not as lucky as Chihiro. Haku is not so much the protector of Chihiro in that world as the appearance of Chihiro lets Haku find himself. To learn magic, he was used by Yubaba, do all the bad things for her. He lost his name, he lost his memory. At first think, Haku is a capable and lovely little boy, but think carefully, he is not our loss.

There are also many educational characters in the film. For example, Yubaba Is a mercenary bureaucrat who oppresses labor, while her twin sister Zeniba is completely different from her. Giant babies were children in the hothouse of a time spoiled by their parents. Their parents take good care of them, but they forget that what they need most is to make their way in the world. Kamaji is the oppressed working people. An age but also have three heads six arms, every day to work on the post. Lin was a hard-working young woman in that era. But the heart is tied to the outside world, full of infinite longing for the unknown.

I was thinking about the name of the movie – Spirited Away. I think the name means “to be mysteriously hidden.” Every one of us is a Chihiro. Every one of us has had a trip like this. Chihiro has walked the road we have walked. We have become brave and strong from the initial cowardice. We find ourselves in the way we lost ourselves. We seek ourselves in the path of our smallness. All the way we harvest affection, harvest friendship, harvest love. The road of life is like the water train that won’t go back and forth, someone will get off the station in the middle, someone will accompany you to the end. Growth is always accompanied by loss, even nostalgia does not look back.

I hope the eyes you’ve seen are still bright and clear.






Diary of Systemic Injustice

In 2016, an advertisement for Procter & gamble’s Laundry brand Bilang in India raised the question of “women doing housework.” It is said that in India, a country where male chauvinism prevails. After the advertising was launched, 1.5 million Indian men decided to lead by example and get involved in household activities. Please watch:

The two-minute story begins when my daughter walks in the door. When the father came to the daughter’s home, looking at the successful daughter home is still busy doing housework, take care of the children, make tea for her husband, prepare dinner. Busy in and out, without a moment’s rest. While the side of the husband but sitting on the sofa Internet, watching TV, not to help the meaning.

Also, from this picture, why it must be a mom? Can’t be a dad?

So, why must it be women who do the laundry? I think it’s sexist. Why are women better at housework than men? Or is it because women should do more housework? This goes against the principle of equality between men and women.

The so-called equality between men and women in labor work is reflected in the social division of labor under the background of traditional culture. Women cannot engage in low-level labor, and domestic labor belongs to this category. Also, according to the traditional patriarchal thought, men and women are different from each other, and men are inferior to women, which is the natural and normal order. This idea has been popular for thousands of years, is unfair, unjust, and very outdated. In my opinion, sexist elements in advertisements should be removed or changed.

It is widely believed that men who are ambitious, competitive, and do most of the family work should make a lot of money in the workplace. He even gave a strange look to a man with a feminine personality. Women are generally perceived as emotional, needing protection, etc., and should eventually give up work and return to their families. [Denying their ability to do their job] also names the top women in the workplace as “strong women,” “social butterflies,” and other gender-specific labels.

However, I recently saw a variety show in which the topic was: Is female-only parking discrimination?
Discrimination: setting large parking Spaces for women implies that women are bad drivers. To turn social prejudice into reality, to expose to the public the implication that a certain aspect of the group is inadequate, is discrimination.

Think not discrimination: female parking space is aimed at the need of women, if you do not need to park in a large parking space, you can choose a general parking space, is not mandatory you must park in the exclusive parking space for women. You have the right to choose, so it’s not discrimination.

So, in the face of “sexism,” besides our passion to resist all prejudice against gender, we also need to rationally determine what is real sexism.

By extension, it’s a reminder not to be overly sensitive, blindly judgmental. We advocate equality between men and women, which means equality in spirit, access to and use of rights, rather than all-round and absolute equality. We recognize that there are differences between men and women, but don’t overreact to something that involves gender. For example, if the boss considers the pregnancy of a female employee and discusses with her whether she needs to reduce the workload, this is not sexism, but the care of the enterprise. She has her own choice and can choose not to accept it. But if a boss removes a woman from her job because she is pregnant, takes a pay cut, etc., this is sexism. And the key thing to determine is whether you have a choice in a situation, in a behavior.







Context Research Presentation Week 9

The novel “The Leavers” tells the life experience and spiritual growth history of the two generations of “The Leavers.” Polly, a Chinese woman smuggled into the United States where she gave birth to her son Deming. Wandering in a strange land, after several discrete. Polly, the heroine, smuggles herself to the United States to realize her dream. But then encountered a dream shattered, involuntarily life. The depiction of female psychology in the novel is also vivid and delicate. The exquisite description of Chinese female Polly, or the self-growth and spiritual journey of modern women, reflects the self-awakening and pursuit of women.


In the 1960s and 1970s, the second wave of feminism came up with a famous slogan: “consciousness awaken.” And form”  consciousness awaken groups.” Inspired the awakening of female consciousness and promoted the development of the feminist movement. Since the 1980s, the development of western women’s consciousness awakening has been confronted with many difficulties. Its main position has shifted to university campuses and a large number of women’s gender studies disciplines have emerged. In the view of contemporary Western feminism, the revival of female consciousness presents a new trend of cultural politics and recognition politics.


But Chinese women are different. On the face of it, Chinese women have directly gained the rights stipulated by the Constitution since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. However, women have to admit that, in every link of their growth, they will always feel the traditional and authoritative control power of men over women. At the same time, because the beginning of the new China has always emphasized that women can hold up half the sky. What men can do women also can do. This propaganda has led to a general lack of normal female consciousness among Chinese women for several generations. Or the female consciousness is severely distorted and repressed. As a result, the growth of Chinese women has long been subject to hidden constraints. This kind of bondage is not only from the traditional view of men but also from the false sense of equality imposed on women. Completely ignoring the uniqueness of gender differences. Just physical strength, ability equality. And there is a fundamental lack of advocacy for equality in the soul and spirit.


There’s a certain courage in Polly. There is a sense of self-doubt and uneasiness. She loved her son Deming, her lover Leon, and her husband He Yong. But she never forgot herself. And the self she felt vaguely and yearned for.




