Text Review Assignment: Get Out

Get Out Text Review Assignment


            Get Out, a motion picture by Jordan Peele is considered one of the most interesting and creative stories movie watchers have seen in the film industry in the 21st century.  This horror-thriller follows our main character Chris as he and his girlfriend, Rose, are meeting her parents for the first time in a weekend getaway to her parent’s house. Chris is nervous about meeting them due to their interracial relationship but as the weekend continues Chris soon discovers the truth on why Rose wants to bring him to her parents for the weekend. The film would go on do to excellent box office-wise and critically while winning an Oscar for best original screenplay for Jordan Peele’s first film. The film also does a phenomenal job of showcasing themes and ideas that have never been showcased in the film industry like this.

One of the main themes that Get Out does an excellent job of portraying throughout the entirety of the film is the idea of slavery and how Chris discovers the plan where the party that Rose’s parents through was actually was a ploy to sell off Chris’s body to one of Rose’s white friends because his body is getting old. Chris ends up getting captured when discovering this truth out and it is revealed to him that the people behind this operation view the African-American body as excellent and far superior to a white person’s body and also this man needed a new body to continue his life. This is very comparable to the Master-Slave dialogue that has been talked about a lot in the class where Caucasian people in this movie are the masters using the African Americans as a slave for just their bodies. The director and screenwriter, Jordan Peele, does an excellent job of showcasing slavery and this Master-Slave dynamic in the movie.

Another theme that is showcased throughout this movie is the othering as it works in a unique way that you don’t see too much with how othering is usually showcased. Othering in this movie is showcased by the Caucasian people at the party wanting the other who is Chris for his body because they find it superior. Chris is kind of shown outcast at the party and is ultimately the other and even when he finds another African-American he realizes that he is still the other because he realizes that he is actually a white person in an African-Americans body. The film is ultimately a depiction of slavery and how even these “white liberal parents” from Get Out could still play a really big factor at hand and you could have no idea about it. Peele is asking the audience to look around and see if you can see ideas of slavery in your everyday life because sometimes it is hard to notice when you aren’t looking. Peele does an excellent job of conveying this message in Get Out and highly recommend you watch it.

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