Text Review Assignment: Remember the Titans

Watch Remember The Titans | Prime Video

“Remember the Titans” is a well-known movie throughout America. This movie presents a school in 1971 that integrates both black and whites for the first time. That summer a black teenager had been killed by a white store owner. Therefore, there was even more tension between these two races at this time. The rest of the movie focuses on the football team at this school and how the whites and the blacks have to work through their own discriminations in order to play football and work as a team.

I think this movie is excellent at displaying what integration looked like during this time. This movie displays many key concepts we have discussed throughout this course, such as power, single stories, and othering are just a few. The movie displays the concept of power many times. For example, the former white head coach of the football team is removed from his position by the school board to allow for a black coach instead. However, the white coach remains as an assistant coach for the team. This demonstrates a change in power for the way the football team will be run. The white football players are nervous and upset because they are assuming that they will not get playing time this season due to the change in head coaches. However, among multiple discussions between the two coaches it is clear that the black coach only wants to play the best players and that color will not matter.

Othering is displayed in the movie multiple times. One example that stuck out to me the most was when all the players got on the buses to go to football camp. All of the black players got on one bus and all of the white players got on another bus. This is an example of othering (by both races) because neither side wanted to integrate and combine among each other due to their differences. This is also seen among the player’s parents because they express that they don’t want their kids mixing with blacks.

This movie also illustrates the concept of the single-story we discussed. One example, in particular, would be when the coach enforces the players to get to know their roommates while at camp. While two teammates were “trying” to get to know each other the white teammate assumed that the black player didn’t have a dad or if he did have a dad his dad didn’t have a job. All of the assumptions that this white player made was based on a single story that black people tended to, unfortunately, have during this time.

Overall, “Remember the Titans” is a very good movie that represents many of the concepts that we have discussed as a class. It illustrates single stories, power, and othering. I think this movie is good at demonstrating what life was like during this time. This movie is also an excellent example of how these individuals worked through discrimination and injustice.



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