Diary of Systemic Injustices Showcase

Out of all the stories I have written about one has strongly stuck out to me. It left me with a feeling of disappointment, but also hope. I have been fortunate enough to not have experienced many injustices in my life but, this experience changed my life. To start off I need to set the scene. My first year of collage I went to Marion’s Ohio states branch and then transferred into main my second year. I grew up only a half hour north of OSU and decided to commute my sophomore year to save money. I took my classes as early as I could to beat traffic. I drove a truck which allowed me to throw my bike into the back and ride to campus. My Grandparents owned a few apartments north of campus which allowed me to park for free. This made me ride my bike down to campus in order to make it to class in time. On a good day this bike ride would only take 10 minutes. One day I was running late to class and I pulled my bike quickly out of my truck and I heard a snap. I looked down and saw my chain was broken. This was a huge blow considering I was already running late to class. I quickly threw my bike in the back of my truck and started running down the sidewalk. I quickly became tired and realized I was going to be late to class. I took a deep breath and started walking. As I was walking, I saw a muscular African American Man in a construction vest. He looked like he was having a rough day by the look on his face. I walked up and asked how he was doing. He looked up and smiled. He had a look of surprise as he smiled. He then told me that I was the first person who had come up and talked to him on his daily walk to work. He told me many people would speed up when they saw him or put their headphones in and ignore him. We started talking about our days. He told me he was working on the new student housing building right off of Lane Ave. This was where I was heading. We talked all the way to campus and then he did something I’ll never forget. He looked at me and thanked me. I quickly replied what for? He then told me how nice it was to have someone to talk to. We said our goodbyes and completely forgot I was late to class. I never saw this man again but, it left a lasting impact on me. All this man wanted was someone to talk to. It pained me to think about how he felt with all the people just passing him by. This has made me more outgoing to talk to people. A simple conversation can make a persons day.


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